Meet Dr. Bekker

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Ava stormed out of a treatment room, trying not to let her anger show. Almost immediately bumping into Connor. "Hey, hey where's the fire" he joked, before seeing the look on Ava's face. "I need you to take over my patient in treatment 3"
Ava stalked off into the doctors lounge, hoping a bottle of water would calm her, Connor was hot in her heals.

"Why am I taking over a patient that you are more than able to handle" Connor questioned as Ava slugged from her bottle, "He requested"
"Did you come in a bit strong" Connor chuckled, presuming the patient had found Ava to much and asked to switch.
"No he doesn't want a foreigner operating on him" Ava said flatly. Connor was taken a back, not realising the severity of the situation.
"What, wait run me through what happened" Connor said in shock.


"Is that okey Mr. Darwin, dose everything make sense?" Ava asked, putting away her clip board.
"Yes everything sounds great"
"Okey now about the surgery-" Ava began.
"Dr. Bekker if you don't mind me asking, where are you from? Germany? I've spent some time there" he explained.
"Oh no, I'm South Africa" she smiled as Mr. Darwin's face twisted.
"When's the real Doctor coming in?"
Before Ava could open her mouth he I tripped her again.
"Be a good nurse and get me a coffee, hospitals are such tiring places"
"I am your surgeon Mr. Darwin" she pointed to her title on her uniform.
Mr. Darwin spluttered incoherently, "It's bad enough you were let into this country, never mind allowed to operate!"
"What's your immigrations status? How often dose ICE do immigrantion checks here, I want to speak to the head of patient welfare"
"You shouldn't be here, your what, 31, 32? I can't tell under all that dam makeup. At your age you should be at home, with at lest five kids, you have to get working if you want one"


"Which is when I walked out and into you" Ava explained finishing her water.

"Ava" Connor sighed, knowing this was something he would never have to go through.
"But hey it's what the patient wants" Ava said sarcastically, shrugging.
"I think the most offencive thing he said was thinking I was 32" Ava laughed,
"You don't look 32, Ava" Connor smiled.

"I'll take whatever case your meant to be assigned while you go deal with him" Ava exhaled.
"No Ava, you shouldn't be allowed to be treated like this" Connor argued.
"It's the patient's request, it's out of my hands, either you do his surgery or he dies. I'd rather keep him alive so he can change his ways"
"Yeah I'll take the surgery, but I'm talking to Goodwin about this afterward" he told her giving her shoulders a squeeze.
Ava lightly nodded, she knew that wouldn't do much but if Connor wanted to do something, he'd do it.


'Mr. Darwin, hi I'm Dr, Rhodes. I hear you requested to be seen by a different surgeon" Connor asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, their was some immigrant nurse in here before, claiming to be a doctor and from South Africa, can you believe that, how would she have even gotten a degree" The man laughed.
"Dr, Bekker is actually a very good friend of mine, she's a very qualified surgeon, one of the best this hospital has seen" Connor defend
"But she's still a women at the end of the day now isn't she, they just were made for this kind of thing"
Connor exhaled and groaned internally, "Okey Mr. Darwin lets get you upstairs"

The surgery was simple and straightforward, Connor was in and out within three hours. Making his way back into the Ed with a coffee her ran into Ava, "Hey Ava, how are you doing after this morning"
"Good, yeah, I've calmed down. The patient that I took over for you was actually a very nice South Africa women for Johannesburg, who got talking to me about her life their, and then tried and failed to set me up with her grandson" Ava explained.
"That's good I hear, I'm sorry again about what happened" Connor placed a comforting hand on her arm.
"It's fine, honestly. It helps that apparently I am an " amazingly qualified surgeon, the best the hospitals ever seen and everyone would be lost without me"
"I believe they were your words" Ava grinned at him
"Not quite" Connor smiled, "but your are a brilliant surgeon Ava, I don't know what we would do without you"

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