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Raye Vance

I wasn't speaking. I wasn't built to give into interrogation. I was built to survive and resist all things thrown at me.

"I can't get through her mental defences, they're surprisingly well built for someone who hasn't appeared in any of the Justice League Databases so far," the Martian female said but I didn't react. I wasn't a civilian but I also had no reason to be in a Justice League Database

"No fingerprints either so can't run her identity and facial recognition isn't bringing up any matches in local or federal systems either, she's like a ghost," Nightwing said, "and she's not a metahuman and her DNA doesn't match any known extraterrestrial species in our system," he added and that's because I wasn't an alien.

"She's a Spartoi," Wonder Woman said and I didn't know how she could tell; I looked human. "English or Greek?" She asked me and I still said nothing, "δεν μιλούν ελληνικά," she informed me and I didn't believe her, plus they were definitely taping it so they could just translate the audio. This was an interrogation and I didn't know how she knew I was Spartoi but I intended to find out.

"Can you leave us alone?" Wonder Woman asked my prison wardens, "and turn off the cameras too," she added and they followed her orders, she was a senior member of the Justice League and they were essentially nobodies.

"So English or Greek?" She asked me, "I'm an Amazon, you're a Spartoi, let's not continue this pointless game," she told me. "How were you made?" She asked me, "your kind are forbidden by the laws of the gods," she said and I was also aware of that too. "So how were you made?" She asked me again and I was still silent.

"I am Diana of the Amazons, you will follow my commands Spartoi," she demanded and I was still not going to answer her. "Do you need medical?" She asked me, "Spartoi are resilient in their skin but not invulnerable," she said and I had been lightly bleeding but I wasn't going to mention it, didn't want to reveal a weakness, "accept the help then you can leave," she told me. She must have noticed the blood, seen I was shot in the footage which caused me to start to shift my skin in preparation for gunfire but I thought I'd gotten it back on before it was too obvious.

"I was lightly shot," I begrudgingly admitted and I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't heal like a human did and I didn't know how I could hide this from my parents.

"Then let's get you patched up before we send you home, wherever home is or at least back to the city you were picked up in," she told me and opened the door. "We both know human medical care won't fix you and given your age, I doubt you know much about it either," she said and I did not want to accept help from her but I had to.

I followed her, my hand on the knife in the back of my jeans, and I was looking for an out of if could get it. "You're not going to get out, Spartoi, there's no where you can run," she told me and I seriously doubted that. I was a Spartoi, built to survive harsh and in hospital conditions.

"No medical staff?" I questioned when we arrived at their fancy looking infirmary.

"They can't help you," she said, "do you need to fully shift or can you do sections?" She asked me.

"I can shift the section," I said and I couldn't hold it for long though but I wasn't going to admit that. I lifted my jacket and t-shirt, taking my knife up with it to continue to hide it, in case I needed to stab a bitch still or take Wonder Woman hostage to get out of here.

"How do you know how to treat Spartoi anatomy?" I asked her and concentrated on the shift.

"I was raised in Themiscyra, taught about all the gods and monsters of Ancient Greece," she told me. "This might hurt," she warned me and  I refused to flinch.

I was a Spartoi.

She dislodged the bullet and triggered the healing cycle as I was struggling to maintain the partial shift and didn't want to reveal that. "Thank you," I said and I didn't like the fact I now owed her a favour in return.

"Who grew you?" She asked me.

"My parents did from a baby dragon's tooth," I told her, pulling my jacket back down and turning to face her.

"Parents? Human parents?" She asked me.

"Human parents desperate for a child," I confirmed but I wasn't going to tell her anything more than that.

"Humans who likely didn't know the rules about making Spartoi when they grew you," she assumed and they didn't. I'd learned as much as I could about my kind after they told me what I was, and I found out about the rules.

"Can I go home now?" I asked her.

"I will have you returned to where you were picked up from," she told me and handed me a card. "You may not like me but I have a feeling you may need my help again," she told me, "burn it, throw it away or keep it, but at least I tried," she said and I would probably destroy it.

"Have...have you met my kind before?" I asked her, the only person I could ask these questions.

"I have."

"Were they monsters too?" I asked her.

"You're not a monster, a monster wouldn't have put herself between an assailant with a loaded automatic firearm and defenceless humans, a monster wouldn't taken a bullet for humans when they know they could be vulnerable and a monster sure as hades would have killed the assailant after he shot them rather than disarming and restraining them," she told me. "Did you believe you were a monster?" She asked me.

"I'm a Spartoi."

"That doesn't make you a monster, Spartoi founded city of Thebes," she pointed out, "what you are isn't who you are, young Spartoi, just because Spartoi are not man, does not make the individual a monster," she told me. "Let's get you back to Blüdhaven," she said and I really needed to be in Gotham; it was where I was heading when I got involved in that situation.

"I need to be in Gotham," I told her. "I'm starting school there tomorrow," I said and I had just given away a key point in my identity, not too many people in my age range would be moving from Blüdhaven to Gotham for school.

"Then we'll get you to Gotham," she told me and gestured for me to follow her. "So young Spartoi, why did you decide to get involved?" She asked me.

"The Spartoi are invincible soldiers, what soldier doesn't put themselves between innocents and aggressors," I said and I stood by that.

"Is that how you see yourself? As a monstrous soldier?" She asked me and I didn't want to answer that question.

I was sent home in some weird teleporter with an escort, Nightwing, since he knew Gotham and Blüdhaven. "Why didn't you tell us you'd been shot?" He asked me and I didn't answer him. I just walked away from this situation. I didn't want to think about the situation, just wanted to finish the healing cycle and start school tomorrow morning.

I arrived at the school a little later than I was supposed to, "I'm so sorry, the public transport was all delayed," I apologised to the staff member meeting me.

"We assumed that's why you were late, and there's plenty of time for the tour though and get you settled in your new dorm," she told me, "come along Miss Vance," she said and I followed after her, tugging at my jacket to hide the blood stains, bullet hole and the knife.

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