Chapter 4 You got me crazy

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As Chanyeol looked at you, you blushed.

Chanyeol|I have a secret to tell you ______.I love you.

You|W-what did you say?!!

Chanyeol|Nothing ______.

Baekhyun came in teasing you and D.O and Kai and chanyeol.

Chanyeol,D.O,Kai|hyun stop it!!!

You|Its okay you guys.

Baekhyun|come here _____, I need to tell you something. I like you, would you be my girlfriend ______.

You|Are you sure baekhyun. I love you and all of that but why me. A random girl.

Baekhyun|Their something about you that I can't sleep.

You|Let me think for a couple days.

Baekhyun|Okay babe.

You|I'm blushing so hard😍

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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