Chapter 1: Shut the Bloody Heck Up

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"Shut the bloody heck up!" Scorpius screamed at his best friend.
Rose just rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
"Well, respond you prat!"
At this point Rose was smiling so big it hurt her mouth, and was trying not to laugh.
Scorpius just got even more frustrated. He ran his left hand through his hair. While reaching into his cloak with the other.
"I'll give you one more chance," he said, grinning menacingly.
When Rose refused to cooperate, he pulled out his wand and shouted, "Accio water bottle!!"
When it landed in his outstretched hand, he twisted off the cap, while Rose held her arms in front of her face bracing for the impact. When, he was just about to tip it over her head, he paused and held up his finger.
"Wait," he said, bringing the water bottle away from her."I'm quite parched."
As he sipped slowly from the water bottle, Rose let out a sigh of relief and put down her arms. Just as she went back to revising for her arithmancy test, forgetting about the previous conversation that led up to this moment, Scorpius moved the almost full bottle above her head, and with a flick of a his wrist, Rose was covered in cold water.
"What!?" She screamed as Scorpius ran away, leaving his schoolbooks behind. "You get right back here Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy!!"
Unable to stay mad at her best friend and her secret crush, that was a secret even from her, for very long, she just muttered a hot air charm and pulled out a makeup wipe to fix her eye makeup that was now dripping down her cheek.
Yes, these two best friends were in fact wizards, well to be more precise Rose was a witch. They were in their sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and as the brilliant young kids they were, they had been sorted into the house known for wit, learning, and wisdom. But they were the children of very different characters from the second wizarding war, so the sorting hat took quite a lot of time contemplating what house they belonged in. In the end, it was satisfied
with Ravenclaw.
So yes, Scorpius could have simply shouted "Aguamenti" and been done with it. But what fun would that be?
I wish I could say that they were friends immediately, but sadly that is not the case. They immediately judged each other based off of their fathers' stories. For Rose, her dad was the best friend of the boy who lived, while the one that was meant to kill Voldemort, was Scorpius's father. So I guess you can imagine their fathers' reactions to when they finally started seeing each other through their own eyes, not their fathers, and became friends their third year.

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