Chapter 5: Bloody hell, Rosie

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"Would you get over it already, Rose?" he moaned.

Rose insisted, "Nope. I will not."

Scorpius finally looked up from his plate at the ravenclaw table and set down his fork.

"You are a bloody twat. You know that, right?" deadpanned Scorpius.

"Aww," she wrapped her arms around his shoulders "I love you too, best friend."

Turning to look at her he said pretentiously, "I swear sometimes I think the sorting hat made a mistake when putting you into ravenclaw."

Rose put down her goblet of pumpkin juice, and feigned shock. Rose, being Rose Weasley, took this as her chance to make her almost daily outburst in the great hall and put her acting abilities to good use all in one bundle. She jumped up and put her arm across her forehead. A few people looked up but many kept eating their Shepard's pie and sipping from their goblets, too absorbed in their own conversations to notice Rose. Beginning to fan herself, she begin her impromptu monologue.

"Oh no! Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy you mustn't do that ever again. You have done the unthinkable! You have doubted the legendary sorting hat! Of all things you could have done...oh," she said, beginning to sway back and forth as if she was lightheaded.

Scorpius was too captivated by the delicious food on his plate to look up at her scene until this point, but stole a glance over too her while shoveling in his treacle tart.

"Oh, dear, I think I just might..." Letting out a faint gasp, her knees buckled as she pretended to fold to the ground. Sprawling herself across the aisle between the ravenclaw and hufflepuff tables. The Hufflepuffs sitting behind them sat their almost everyday and ask did Scorpius and Rose at their table, so her little skit didn't come to a shock as them. Their only reaction was a boy named Alfie Mendel leaned over and smiled.

Whilst clapping, Alfie chirped, "Excellent performance today, Rose, really."

Rose popped off the ground, "Thanks, Alfie. I felt particularly convincing during it."

"You really were," he replied as his friends nodded in agreement, their faces plastered with toothy smiles in classic, friendly hufflepuff fashion.

Scorpius reached out his hand, pulling her the rest of the way up to the bench.  "I doubt our friendship sometimes," he feigned seriousness, but there was a slight glint in his eyes that meant he was teasing.

Rose began to laugh, but changed her tone a few seconds later.  "Me too, Malfoy," she scolded,  jabbing a finger jokingly at him, "especially when you won't tell me why you are turning down are perfectly nice and pretty girl even though we are supposed to be best mates."

Scorpius closed his eyes and exhaled loudly. Rose was beginning to irritate him, but as he thought about it more he was even more annoyed with himself. No matter how hard he tried, he could not for the life of him figure out why he didn't want to go to Hogsmeade with Alexis. It wasn't that he was gay or anything of that sort, he was for sure attracted to girls. And he didn't have anything against Alexis. She was extremely sweet and smart, and actually when he thought about quite gorgeous. She had long, curly light brown hair and a petite face with clear skin and straight, white teeth. She always wore pastels and floral skirts and dresses over her slender frame, when we weren't required to wear our school robes. And when he thought about how she was so quiet and how much it probably took her to ask me out, Scorpius began to think that he could definitely go on a date with her, probably even have a relationship. He may not currently have any feelings for her that he was aware of, but that didn't mean it would never happen. Yes, he would go talk to Alexis later.  But, first he had to tell Rose.

Opening his eyes, he began to speak, "Would you calm down? I just needed time to think. I am going to go talk to her later."

Rose's face lit up. "And?" she asked, excited that Scorpius was finally telling her something regarding the topic.

"And," he dragged the word out, "I am going to tell her that if the invitation is still open, I would love to accompany her to Hogsmeade."

"Yay!" she cheered, giving Scorpius a friendly hug.

He shoved her off, but laughed. "Now, will you be capable of talking about something beside this topic? Please?"

"Of course not!" Rose looked at him like he was insane. Her eyes were wide open and she placed her hands near her face, clearly shocked at his oblivion.

"Umm...what?" stammered Scorpius, hesitantly.

"You can't be serious! We have so much to discuss!" panicked Rose, "We have to plan what you will say to her, where you will take her on your date, what you'll wear..."

As she faded off into her own thoughts, mentally making a list, Scorpius rolled his eyes.

Grinning at his best friend, Scorpius groaned, "Bloody hell, Rosie."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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