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3rd person's POV
Marcy went through the crowd of people, which was hard to do since she was at such a crowded party.

She somehow managed to get through without getting crushed, and she sighed before standing in the corner while drinking some punch, she looked around but she couldn't recognize anyone, and it made her anxiety peak.

The only reason she had come to this party was because of her best friends, Sasha and Anne, but neither of them were anywhere in sight.

She took a breath but jolted when someone had touched her shoulder and she quickly spun around with wide eyes before relaxing when she saw who it was.

"Anne!" She grinned before throwing her arms around her.

Anne was caught off guard but quickly caught her in her arms, which made Marcy smile and nuzzle into her.

"Thank gosh you're here, I couldn't find you and Sasha anywhere!"

The brunette softly chuckled before pulling away, which made a loss of warmth cross over both of them, but they chose to ignore it.

"Let's get out of here," She said while looking around.

"As long as you hold me near, you can take me anywhere," Marcy whispered, but didn't mean to say it out loud.

Anne's eyes widened and she quickly looked at her which made Marcy blush in embarrassment and she quickly tried to stammer out an excuse.

"B-Because I don't like anybody here but you,"

That seemed to seem more flirtatious than she wanted it to be and she waved her hands around, but stopped when Anne laughed.

She covered her mouth with her hand, and Marcy wanted to pretend to be annoyed, but she found it hard to when she found the other girl so adorably cute at the moment.

"Relax Marcy, I got what you meant!"

Marcy sighed in relief before Anne calmed her laughing while clearing her throat, and she turned around before grabbing Marcy's hand.

"C'mon, you're just in time! They're playing party games or something over there, dude!" She said and walked off, with Marcy with her.

She was so caught up in getting to the room that she hadn't notice their interlocked hands or how red Marcy was getting.

They entered the room where a group of people were sitting, and they quickly walked over and sat. Anne let go of Marcy's hand at that point, much to Marcy's disappointment, but she brushed it aside.

The group of teenagers on the floor turned to the two girls before one of them said, "Oh hey, we're playing truth or dare!"

Marcy felt her nerves beginning to grow at that, she hated this game since people were most likely gonna ask something to embarrass the others.

But Anne seemed ecstatic at the idea, and it showed when her eyes lit up.

"Really? Dude, count me in!"

She grinned before turning to Marcy, and a look of concern crossed her face as she gently reached for the other girls hand, which made her tense up slightly but she relaxed.

"You wanna play? You don't have to if you don't want to, I'll even not play for you," She said sincerely.

Marcy glanced at the expectant teenagers around them, and back to Anne's reassuring eyes, and with a sigh, she reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Anne squeezed her hand one last time before letting it go and turning to them.

A few truth or dares had passed, before it was Anne's turn, a random kid she didn't know was about to ask her something, but another girl cut them off.

"Hold on! I should ask!" She intervened.

They all turned to see a smug girl wearing a snapback which immediately made Anne frown.

"Maggie... you better not be planning anything!" She said pointedly.

Maggie smirked before feigning innocence, "What?! How could you accuse lil ol' me of doing something bad? Have more faith in me, Anne."

The brunette glared at her as Maggie smirked before asking. "Truth or dare?"

"Uh... truth," She said unsurely, but decided to settle for the easier choice.

Maggie groaned and said, "Boring, what a chicken."

"Anyways, who's the cutest person in the room?" She asked, not very interested though.

Anne snickered and said, "Easy, it's obviously Marcy."

Marcy's eyes widened and she sheepishly smiled when the other students eyes went to her and back at Anne.

She looked at Anne, who didn't seem too bothered by this.

Maggie's jaw dropped at this and she glanced between the two girls before smirking.

"Alright Anne, truth or dare?"

"Wait, what? You already asked me that—" She said confused.

"It doesn't matter! From now on, you have to pick both truth and dare,"

The brunette scoffed but the other students whooped.

"Whatever, just spit it out already."

Maggie smirked evilly before saying, "Alright if you say so..."

Anne sat back unimpressed, not expecting much from the other girl.

But how wrong she was.

"I dare you to kiss Marcy."

To be continued...

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