The little things [CyberWireBox fluff]

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Lockbox twitched un-enthusiastically,he was just trying to get over someone coming up to him and messing with his horn. It angered him how people just violated him for an unnatural trait.
Large pede steps tumbled Lockbox half off his bench and he was greeted by Cyberstrikes wide grin. "Hey fuzz butt,livewire and I want to hang out!"he spoke with an energy,hands placed on either side if him on the backing of the bench. Lockbox smiled in return,looking up at him excitedly. Now this was a bot he liked to see.
"Heh,I suppose I could take some time from my super busy schedule to spend a little time with yall."Lockbox hummed sarcastically,faking a thoughtful pose.
"Oh come on,Lw is waiting for us."Cyberstrike chuckled,reaching two hands over the little bugs head. Lockbox jumped up on his arm and balanced himself on his back,peering over cybers shoulder with wide blue eyes.
Lockbox was getting more comfortable with livewire and Cyberstrike touching him,it started with simple hand holding,but lockbox enjoyed cuddling close to the two of them given the chance.
Though livewire was busy half the day,leaving him with Cyberstrike mostly.
"When will you ever clean this virus pack? Theres empty vials everywhere!" Lockbox rummaged through the pack on cybers back,clattering empty vials together.

"Hmp,I dont enjoy my hiding spot being contaminated with stupid empty bottles."lockbox picked out about four vials,then hid himself in the pack,snickering the while.
"Your a crazy bug,lock."cyberstrike hummed,spotting livewire at a distance. "That's why you love me though" lockbox retorted from his hiding spot,peeking out ever so slightly so he could spy on livewire and cyber. They were outside they're apartment,livewire was able to purchase it permanently with the assistance of cyberstrikes fight money. It was high quality to say the least,two bedrooms but only one was ever used,and a large livingroom with decent entertainment setups.
"Wheres he not coming....?" Livwire asked,worry and sadness showing through his visor.
Cyberstrike crossed his arms,cue-ing lockbox's entrance.
The small grey beetle stood up in the pack,waving to Livewire.

"I'm almost jealous,"livewire's antennae flicked like a cyber cat's would and he entered the apartment,cyber following behind.
Lockbox was known for his little games he would play with livewire and cyberstrike,it was a rare part of him he didnt show in public. The little mech had slight social anxiety so he only let himself open up in small groups of people.
"Your leader Livewire has fallen and i,lockbox am now your new leader!" Lockbox proclaimed enthusiastically as they raided the couch,he leaned over cybers head looking him in the eyes.

Cyber smiled,wrapping his arms around the mech,pulling him down and kissing him.
"Eh,I'll just make my resurrection again,not like I'm killable."livewire said from his spot on the couch,hugging cyber's leg.
"I'm sorry to inform you but your bad at cosplay livewire." Lockbox said,straining himself in cyberstrikes grasp.
Livewire removed his visor and mask,sighing heavily.
"I know,I'm good at alot of other things though."
That gained a burst of laughter from cyberstrike,causing livewire to shoot him a glare. "Don't you even."
"Oh we know what your good at,"Cyberstrike grinned slyly.  "Hrk,let me goo"lockbox piped up. He let go of the beetle and he tumbled forward on top of livewire. He stayed there a moment then curled himself on his back contently.
"You made our sweetspark fall asleep he was so worked up..." Livewire lay on his stomach with the small mech on his back.
"I did not." Cyberstrike retorted,readjusting himself and laying aside Livewire evenly. "This seems better than rewatching that show we were planning."cyber said,kissing livewires exposed forehead. The mech only smiled in response.
"I'm getting chilly up here,scoot over."lockbox shifted and crawled between the two mechs,curling himself close to the both of them. "Mm....comfortable now..?"livewire asked,snuggling up to lockbox's warm frame. "Yeah"
"Shh" Cyberstrike shushed them both.
They lay there,enjoying the company and warmth. It would be half the day if they let it,

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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