Chapter 1

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It was noon on a warm June afternoon.
You and Armin were out of school as it was Saturday and uh, summer break duh, so he had the perfect idea on how to celebrate.

"How about a picnic? The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend." He says as you two walked home from school on your last day.

You thought about it. You never went on a picnic before. It sounded like a cute idea and if the weather was going to be nice why not?

"Sure!" You said.

And with that he asked if noon was alright and you having an empty schedule always you agreed once more.

You guys relationship was simple but it worked. He was such a kind guy and not to mention smart! He finished this school year top of his class with all A's. You felt lucky he chose you .

Back to the present you walked all the way to were Armin told you to meet him. You chose to wear a simple light blue dress and some matching slide on's.

He picked a clear space on the top of a small hill under a single tree to you two would be shaded from the sun

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He picked a clear space on the top of a small hill under a single tree to you two would be shaded from the sun. It was perfect.

When he saw you he smiled big and waved. He ran down to help you up the hill.

Once you two reached the spot you saw how he set up the food. (the top ^^)

"Armin you did so good!" You exclaimed after really seeing how well he put this all together. So simple yet perfect.

"All just for you! Sorry if it's not enough.." He said quickly.

"No, no it's fine!" You said as you took a seat a grabbed a drink.

Just as you we're about to take a sip you heard a familiar voice in the distance.

"Y/N!? Is that you?"

You and armin both looked in the direction of the voice to see it was..


Sasha ran up the hill and immediately grinned at the food.

"Sasha, me and Armin are on a date right now." You said and she just frowned.

"Sorry! I was passing by to go to Connie's and i saw you up here!" She said sadly.

~I also smelled the food...~ she thought to herself .

"Well, you can have a cherry..." Armin said holding up the cherries.

She quickly took one and ate it. "Thanks!"

"I'll get going now i hope you two enjoy your foid date!" She said walking away.

"It's actually a picnic!!" You shouted after her but sje was already a bit too far.

You and Armin laughed about the whole situation and started eating different things and talking.

"What do you plan on doing this summer?" You asked pouring another drink.

"Hmmm... Well i did want to volunteer at the bookstore by the school or even at the aquarium at the zoo!" Armin said excitedly. You could see how his eyes lit up when he said aquarium.

He asked what you wanted to do but just as you we're about to answer a soccer ball flew past in front of you barely missing your drink. Startled you turned in the direction of the ball and saw Eren at the bottom of the hill.

"Eren! What the hell?" You said slightly pissed off after getting your date interrupted yet again. Armin just chuckled.

"Sorry, didn't see you guys up there! Just challenging horse face over here to a contest and I just won!" Eren boasted.

"No way! You were supposed to hit that tree stupid! You missed!" Jean yelled. "And stop calling me horse face!!"

Eren just mocked him and started going up the hill to get the ball.

"Eren, you and Jean need to go argue somewhere else. Me and Armin are on a date!" You said annoyed.

"Calm downnnn sweetface! The next challenge is who can bounce the ball on their head the most times without failing so it wont get up here anymore!" Eren said grabbing the ball and running back down.

"Bye Eren!" Armin said as he passed him.

"Why is everyone we know suddenly here?" You asked Armin.

"Well, this is by the park.. Sorry maybe i should've picked a better spot..." Armin said looking a bit saddened.

Now you felt bad. It was just a few distractions nothing has to be perfect perfect. You remembered the effort Armin put in for the date and started to apologize.

"Im sorry, the spot you picked is great Armin!" You said rubbing his shoulder.

He smiled and opened the picnic basket. Out he took out two sub sandwiches.

"Wow those look delicious! Did you get them from that fancy restaurant by Levi's tea shop?" You asked amazed.

"Yeah, i didn't know what you'd want so i just got us both us originals." Armin said putting both on separate plates.

"You're so sweet." You said as you took a plate.

Smiling, you grabbed the sandwich and just as you we're about to take a bite you heard another familiar voice and looked down the hill to see what the heck was going on now.

It was Professor Hange.

"Aw what nowww?" You whined to yourself. As Hange looked up.

"Oh, hello kiddos!" She said cheerfully waving.

Armin waved back noticing Hange also had a kite.

"What's up with the kite?" He asked. You chose to let him handle this, this time.

"Oh, yeah.. I'm tryna get it to fly but it just wont! Its for an experiment!" Hange grumbled.

"Um, well, there's no wind right now so.." Armin started to say but he was confused on how she wouldn't get that already, especially if she was a scientist.

"Should we just go help or something?" You asked biting your sandwich.

"No, no! I know its not windy! This is a "no wind" kite!" Hange said laughing .

"I have no idea.." Armin said answering your question. It was definitely a head scratcher but Armin just went back to the date, or at least he tried..

"This definitely is a hot spot." You said as you continued to watch Hange throw the kite in air just for it fall back down again.

"Yeah, we could've just went with a movie date or something.." Armin laughed to himself.

Suddenly the kite was staying in the air!
You and Armin looked curiously.

"It runs on electricity!" Hange said noticing you two.

You and Armin couldn't help but look at each other and laugh about everything that had happened today.

After Hange left he started putting things away as you got up. "This was a fun date Armin!" You said wiping yourself down.

"Thanks, i hope the distractions didn't ruin it!" He said worried yoy were mad at him.

"Of course not! But I think i'd rather watch a movie or something next time." You said starting to walk down the hill with Armin.

"Sounds like a plan then!" He said smiling at you.

And that was the end of you and Armin's picnic date!

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