What... The Actual Fuck?

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Not paying attention to the conversation of Deku's friends, Ravenna silently ate her lunch (a turkey bacon wrap made by her loving mother) as she looked around the cafeteria to ease her anxiety.

She can feel that Deku is staring at her, waiting for her to talk to him. Ravenna tried to have a conversation with her friend, but the phone situation made her feel uneasy, making it hard for her to compose herself in front of Deku.

Ravenna was 100 percent sure that she never gave her number to Deku, but she needed proof. Waiting for Deku to look away, Ravenna wanted to use her butterfly effect quirk to see the truth, hopefully that nothing sinister shows up to her vision.

But it seems that Deku knows Revnna's plan, almost like as if he was waiting for her to try to use her quirk on him.

'Perhaps to guilt-trip me,' Ravenna thought.

Forcing a gentle smile on her face, she turn to Deku, surprising him as he turn red from getting caught from staring. His friends only laugh at his reaction, well except Todoroki, his expression was hard to read.

"How's your hero training been going, Deku?" Ravenna asked, pretending to care about his class activities. He didn't seem to notice as his face grew redder by the second, struggling to form a sentence. Ravenna once again pretended to look concern, she needed Deku to lower his guard down.

Ravenna paid close attention to Deku, waiting for the right moment to use her quirk. "... then Mina threw acid at Idas's engines, making him trip and fall down the hill—" "Ravenna pretended that she was listening, she honestly did not care much about his classmates. There was no issues with class 2-A, Ravenna just simply don't care to build a relationships with the class as she will graduate in five months.

Still pretending to listen to Deku's story, nodding her head once in a while to give an illusion that she was devoting her attention to her childhood friend.

"And then All Might came along to help us train!" Seeing that Deku is slowly letting down his guard, Ravenna quickly made eye contact with Deku, dark markings cover her bottom eyelids as her pupils turn completely black as she used her quirk.

Deku stopped talking as the quirk took effect, making the conversations among the group stop, worrying as Deku and Ravenna sat emotionlessly. Carefully using her quirk, Ravenna was successfully sent to the mind realm, gaining her accesses to the past and future outcomes/actions.

Looking for her childhood friend's butterfly effect, she notice that Bakugou was within her range in the mind realm. Choosing to ignore the angry boy's actions for a moment, Ravenna found a light green path that leads up to Deku's butterfly effects.

Walking down the path, she can hear every conversation that she had with Deku, the ones from the past and present, along with little pieces from the future. Finding a door at the end of the path, it asked what timeline she wants. Thinking for a moment, Ravenna politely ask for the last three days that she was alone in her house.

"I hope I picked a right timeline..." waiting for the door to open, Ravenna silently prayed inside her head that there wasn't any sinister actions made by Deku.

The door soon open for Ravenna, Scarlet lighting is all Ravenna can see.

Scarlet means malicious and sinister outcomes/past actions.

Taking a deep breathe, knowing that whatever informations she gain will not be pretty, Ravenna walk inside the sinister room with a pit inside her stomach.

A couple of auras (they act as memory orbs) stood in a straight line, waiting for Ravenna's arrival. "They are all red..." Ravenna felt uneasy as all the auras had a malicious past in it, slowly spreading around the room. Looking around, Ravenna decided to pick up the aura that was the closest to her as it had a light red color (fairly new aura).

Without any warning, Ravenna sees everything that Deku has done behind her back. Seeing that Deku broke in into her house when she was away in her dorms in school looking for her textbooks. She saw how Deku lay in her bed, sniffing her pillow as he had a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Ravenna saw Deku looking inside her diary, taking pictures of the pages that talked about Deku. In horror, she learn that Deku had planted a small camera inside her vent near her bed, gaining him acesss to Ravenna 24-7. On top of that, Deku was there when the new phone was delivered to her house, safely tucked in a security box that had a code to open it.

Seeing Deku put in the code with no trouble, seeing him set up the phone himself, watching as he went back inside to grab one of her favorite sticky notes and wrote down her number with her favorite pen, foraging her hand writing with no trouble.

Once Deku got the number, he restarted the phone and neatly put it pack in its package, carefully putting the phone back inside the security box to make it seem like everything is all right. Ravenna saw Deku going back to her room, looking around before he grabbed her favorite black hoodie (which she thought her mom threw away as she always hated that hoodie).

In horror and disgust, Ravenna watched as Deku tidily made her bed and clean her room to make sure to destroy any evidences of him breaking in.

Ravenna saw everything, and it made her sick.

Hastily stopping her quirk, Ravenna can only look at Deku with disgust and fear. Seeing Ravenna's disgust, Deku tried to explain himself (more like gaslight Ravenna).

Not letting him get to her head, Ravenna stood up and gather up her stuff in a rush, "you... you are so sick in the head. I never want to see you nor hear from you again."

Deku felt betrayed and stupid at the same time, why did he had to let his guard down?!

'She can't leave me! She needs me!'Jumping out of his seat, Deku tried to grab Ravenna's hand, but she smack it away and started to speed walk away from him, "I will not listen to your lies, my quirk tells me truth and justice. Don't try to gaslight me," giving him a harsh glare, Ravenna walked out the cafeteria and made her way to the principal's office.

She will not wait nor will she pretend about the situation. If it makes her look bad in front of the students and staff members, so be it. Ravenna refuses to be a damsel in distress that pretends that the villain did it for love.

With a small glimpse in his mind realm, Ravenna knows that what he feels for her is not love at all.

What he feels is obsession.

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