Chapter Twelve

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Kingsley closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply. Lorenzo's lips were on Kingsley's neck, as he kissed the soft, hot skin. He gripped the couch, his nails digging into the fabric as he stayed motionless.

Lorenzo pulled back, he was looking at Kingsley with an expression that the younger man couldn't decipher. The moment Kingsley had been waiting for for so long was finally there, and he was hit by a wave of different emotions.

Lust. Longing. Excitement. Relief. Fear.

Lorenzo kept his hand on Kingsley's cheek, trailing it down slowly. His rough fingers grazed Kingsley's jaw and neck as Lorenzo unbuttoned the top button of Kingsley's shirt, before gently pushing him down on the couch.

Lorenzo straddled Kingsley, their crotches near but not rubbing against each other's yet. Kingsley wanted that, though. He wanted to feel Lorenzo. Every inch of him.

Lorenzo loosened his tie, but didn't take it off. He had taken his suit jacket off before Kingsley even came to his office. He ran his hand across Kingsley's exposed chest, before unbottoning it even further.

Kingsley was just looking at Lorenzo in disbelief. He had wanted this for so long, and now that it was happening, he didn't know how to react or what to do. He was experienced in this, but at that moment he felt like he was paralysed.

"Is this okay?" Lorenzo finally spoke up. Kingsley wondered if it was because he noticed how frozen Kingsley was.

"More than okay," Kingsley answered softly.

Lorenzo had completely unbuttoned Kingsley's shirt, but didn't remove it. He rubbed his hand up and down Kingsley's chest and abdomen, feeling every inch of his skin under his palm. Kingsley closed his eyes, enjoying how the simple touch was making him feel. He wondered if Lorenzo could feel how fast his heart was beating beneath his chest, and he wondered if Lorenzo's was at a similar pace.

Lorenzo bent down to kiss his employee's chest, he took Kingsley's nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the hardened bud. Kingsley wanted to pull Lorenzo closer, to connect their lips, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to touch the other man. His hands were gripping the couch so hard, his knuckles were turning white.

Lorenzo repeated the same action with Kingsley's other nipple, before kissing up to his neck and jaw. He gently bit Kingsley's earlobe, as his hand grabbed Kingsley's erection through his pants, making Kingsley open his eyes with a surprised moan.

"The day you walked into the interview room, I just knew there was something about you," Lorenzo whispered in Kingsley's ear, "I wanted you that very instant."

"I wouldn't call myself easy but—" Kingsley's voice was equally low, "—for you I would've bent over your desk that very first day."

"I know." There was a smirk on Lorenzo's face, "do you think I never noticed how your eyes would follow my every move whenever we were in the same room? Sometimes you were so busy eye-fucking me that you didn't even notice you were caught."

"I thought I was being dis— ah— discreet," Kingsley finished his sentence between moans as Lorenzo's hand slowly rubbed his clothed cock.

"You thought wrong, cariño." Hearing Lorenzo talk in Spanish turned on Kingsley even more. "I noticed everything. Your staring, your flirting, you've always been such a tease."

"Oh yeah? Sounds like I've been bad," Kingsley said softly.

He finally wrapped one hand around the back of Lorenzo's neck, and tangled his other hand's fingers in the man's hair. He spread his legs just enough to hook one knee around Lorenzo. Lorenzo got the hint and repositioned himself so that their dicks were against each other's, before slowly grounding his hips.

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