Aftercare 🧸( from previous chapter)

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When he woke up, you gently brought his head to your chest to stroke his hair 

'You did so well, let's get you cleaned up'  you said picking him up and gently carrying him to the bathroom. 

'I did good?' He asked.

 'Yes you took it so so well.' You answered kissing him on the forehead 

You sat technoblade down in the floor while you ran a bath for him. As the bath was running you sat down on the floor and whispered comments in his ear.

Once the bath was done you placed him in being carful not to hurt him as he was still in pain. As you went to sit down Techno grabbed  your wrist.

'Please can you stay and cuddle me' he said looking at you with a pleading look in his eyes. 

'Ok' you carefully  entered the bath behind him and lay his head on your chest. He was so peaceful like this you wished you could be like this more often.

You gently rubbed he's back as he dozed off 

'Your such a good boy, I'm proud of you in every way.' You said as techno fell asleep in your chest while you played with his hair


I hope you like this softer chapter I didn't want it to be all smut. Have a good  day or night remember to drink water and take care of the one's you love

Sorry it's so short I didn't know what to write so I just made it a soft chapter.

( sorry it took me a while to write this because my partner broke up with me after I had a breakdown in front of them)

(on break)switch :technoblade x fem reader one shots 🔞Where stories live. Discover now