Chapter 16 - Mixed Signals

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Romeo's P. O. V

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I loved the world at night. Especially in Aster Springs.

I considered each night sky as a new gift. Like pale grain entering newly turned ground, the stars covered the pitch-black sky. It was the promise of life in the midst of the darkness, a feeling of warmth rising from the cold amongst the flames of the fire.

Knox was memorising. Everything he did or said, made my stomach flutter. Looking over at the tall boy, his angelic face was brightened from the sparks of the fire, it was a gorgeous sight.

The intense fire arrived to illuminate the night and warm the air, as we had all become accustomed to the cold. It shone brightly in everyone's eyes, and I felt the heat radiate throughout my entire body, right to my core.

It was the first time anyone who didn't know Knox, would see his eyes light up and his breathing slow down, with a feeble smile. He was enjoying this! A lot. A pink marshmallow sat on his stick, as he innocently played with the fire; like a happy, go-lucky kid.

Knox was beaming, light-heartedly. It was adorable to witness.

"You look so wholesome Knox" I couldn't help saying as he plunged the sugary treat in his mouth. Precious.

Knox's head whipped in my direction, and if it was even possible, his cute smile became larger. His straight, white teeth were now on full display.

"All you" he engulfed me in his arms, resting his head delicately on my own. Squeezing me firmly, while doing so.

Wow. I like this. Who knew he was so cuddly? I didn't even care about all the people surrounding us, I just wanted to stay warm in Knox's arms, forever.

"Want to go for a late-night swim?" Knox smirked down at me.

"It's freezing bro" I shuddered at the thought.

"Don't call me that" he frowned as he pinched my cheek.

"You're such a hypocrite!" I gasped and pushed his hands away.

He huffed and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the close fire. "Shut up Romeo" he shook his pretty head, brunette curls flying around. I just laughed as my eyes found their way to the sand beneath my toes.

"I'm going in" Knox blurted out as he started to run towards the shore. I followed him, willingly. Knox made me do things I couldn't explain. I guess this is what liking someone irrationally does.

"You coming?" Knox tilted his head to the side, as he ripped his shirt off. The moonlight was glistening on his tan skin, showcasing his tattoos and abs. He's beautiful.

Knox didn't stop there though; he was unbuttoning his pants! My god, the man has extremely nice, muscly, toned legs. Along with another particularly large bonus. Wow!

"B-but it's like 8pm a-and people are watching us" I shivered and played with the hem of my shirt as I blushed. I didn't want Knox to see my stomach, I was insecure about my body.

"I won't pressure you, buddy. Watch my stuff for me" he winked as he ran off into the sea. Oh. I honestly thought he'd fight harder for me to join him. "Fuck it" I mumbled.

Knox submerged in the water, plunging himself amongst the waves. I followed. "Knox!" I screamed as I ran into the sea to join him, laughing. "You idiot Romeo, you'll have nothing to wear when you get out! You'll be all wet" he shook his head, getting water droplets on my face.

"Knox! You're getting me all wet" I squealed.

Knox smirked. "You're in the fucking water, you idiot. Makes no difference". He squished me on my hips, and I screamed, as it was very ticklish. "Watch yourself Knox" I kicked him in the shin.

Knox just picked me up, like I weighed nothing, and held onto me tightly, as the waves crashed into us. We were laughing loudly, whilst the moon watched over us.

"Romeo" Knox whispered in my ear, and I shivered. His hands made their way underneath my shirt, as he trailed his fingers across my lower stomach. This was so hot.

There's no way he's completely straight.

"Knox..." I mumbled as I turned around in his grip, looking up in his enchanting, green eyes. Feeling confident, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Knox tensed, immediately, not moving away from my touch though. This moment was utterly perfect.

We just stared into one another's eyes, for minutes. Not saying a single word. It was a comfortable silence, besides the sound of the waves slamming onto the sand. This was magical.

"I'll keep you safe" he hugged me tight. Knox truly was an overly affectionate guy. Everything he did sent chills down my spine. "Vice versa."

The touch of his smooth skin, only added to my nervousness. He felt so soft, so beautiful.

"We should head back" Knox spoke, gently. "Way to ruin the moment" I teased.

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"Put this on, stupid" Knox chucked me his spare navy-blue hoodie. We are now at his car in the beach carpark, soaking wet. "Thanks" I smiled, sweetly. I had no clothes to wear, so luckily Knox came to the rescue. His hoodie was so comfy, drowning my body. I'll be sure to keep this for as long as possible!

"T-that was fun as fuck" I grinned. Knox nodded and tucked a strand of hair that was in my eyes, behind my ear. God, Knox is the cutest human ever. His love language is most definitely physical touch.

"I have to go now" Knox frowned. Fuck. Why does he do this?

"W-what? Where?" my voice trembled. Knox looked down at his feet, "Just somewhere. Sorry. Tell Jarvis I'll meet him at home by 12."

"You should s-stay Knox. You'll miss out on the fireworks! A-and Mrs Kert's fresh lemonade."

"I u-um, need to leave now. It was good seeing you. I'll catch you later this week" Knox let out, as he got into his car. Weird.

"Bye, I guess" I waved, disappointed. I hope he's alright.

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I walked back to the Cove, thinking over how strange Knox was acting. How come he completely switched up like that? I thought he actually liked me.

I spotted my Mum and Jarvis, laughing as they made cake together. He threw flour at her as Mama giggled loudly. They both looked so genuinely happy. "H-hey" I awkwardly came inside.

"Hey son" Mama greeted me. Jarvis nodded at me, in acknowledgement. "Where is your friend sweetie?" Mum asked.

"He left. He said to tell you Jarvis that he'd u-umm be home by 12" I gulped. "He what?" Jarvis looked spooked. "Did he say where he was going?".

I shook my head. "Fuck. Sorry, Lynette, I have to go, now." That was odd. Jarvis was clearly very concerned for Knox. I'm sure he'll be okay.

Something obviously wasn't right.

"Of course, dear. Hopefully everything is alright" my Mum held his arm, reassuringly. "B-bye Jarvis."

"Bye kiddo. Bye Lynette, I hope so too."

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So, Do you believe Knox is okay? He deserves the universe. <3

Romeo is the cutest bean. I love him so much.

Lmk what you desire to see in T. I. T. S!!

I have a plan for the book, & I'm very excited to get the book moving. :)

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