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Andy's POV
Tara walked past me, ignoring me. I finally plucked up the courage to go and apologise. "TARA!-wait up" I yelled running up to Tara who was busily chatting away to Mia. "What do you want?", she frowned. "I just wanted to say-" I broke off, Tara was trying to stare me down with her chocolate brown, intimidating eyes. "Look-" she began "You and I and pretty much the whole world knows that you are stupid, selfish......" I didn't get to hear the rest because Miss Ryders walked by and Tara was immediately silenced. "Hello Tara,Mia and Andy" Miss Ryders looked down at Tara who was clearly blushing in embarrassment. "Are you alright?". Tara looked up "Er yeah" she said smiling innocently at Miss Ryders as she twirled a strand of her deep brown hair around (she does this when she's lying). Miss Ryders walked away, leaving Tara staring at the ground and Mia dragging her foot across the concrete awkwardly. I took a deep breath "Sorry" I muttered. "No-YOU'RE LYING!" Tara yelled, bursting into tears. Mia looked at me sternly after Tara had walked away "I know you really are sorry-but she isn't convinced" Mia smiled sympathetically, jerking her head in the direction of Tara who was angrily smashing her foot against the wall. "Well how do I convince her-" I asked desperately, I simply couldn't live with the thought that I was ruining someone's life. Mia looked at me sadly "I don't know Andy-but if you want to be friends again, you have to truly apologise" and with that Mia left, trying to pull Tara away from the wall. I walked over to Fred Burgers, yeah I know weird name, right?. He was sitting alone, munching on an apple. "Hey Freddie" I managed to force a smile on my face. "Sup Andy" he grinned, now pulling two Mars bars out of his lunchbox and offering one to me. "No-I'm fine" I looked over at Tara who was now ripping grass out and chucking it in my direction, only to be stopped by Mia. "You sure you're alright man?" Freddie looked worried. I signed and replied with a simple "Yeah" when inside my head I was screaming NO!.

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