1: Tragic Childhood

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TW: death⚠️

March 18th, 2008
Mika's POV

I was preparing myself for the day since it is my 8th birthday.

I smiled at the mirror, seeing myself in my white dress. It's gonna be a good day.

I had one last check and soon I was satisfied with my look. I went downstairs as to meet my mom. She was preparing the food for my birthday.

I travelled my eyes to the kitchen as I step down the last staircase. But....

There's no presence of my mom at all.

"Mom? Where are you?" I scanned the whole floor but there's still no answer so I decided to roam the house and search for her.

I already walked to all of the rooms except her bedroom but she's not there.

"Where could she be?" I talked to myself, panting, while making my way to her bedroom.

I twisted the doorknob, sliding the door open to the bedroom and I saw the most traumatizing gift.

I gasped at the sight I saw.


I see her on the floor. I thought she was just sleeping. But when I had no response, I immediately run to her.


I cried my eyes out as I see no signs of life, shaking her body to see if she's just pretending.

But no.

She's lifeless.

She was laying on the floor, blood flowing from her neck, making the carpet dye in red.

Seconds later, I heard an evilish laugh in the bathroom. There I saw a man walked out. The man of my nightmare. Dad.

"Like my surprise?" He asked me with a smirk.

"WHY DID YOU KILL MY MOTHER? TELL ME!!!" I shouted at him in agony.

"You really want to know it honey?"
He went near my face. "She told me she didn't love me anymore. I felt betrayed. I already gave you both the wealthiest life and you are not even appreciative!"

"Fuck you dad! We want to be free! You keep ruling our body and you don't give us the rights to be happy! Money can't buy happiness dad, We are tired of your abusements, You trapped us in our own cave! We want to be happy!!"

"Happy? You should be happy thankful right now I spared your life. I guess you and your mom are the same." He stated while cleaning his knife.

"I'll report you to the police!! I will never let you get away with this!"

"Don't you even think of reporting me, sweetheart. And even if you do, I have lots of connections so I can be untouched. Nevertheless, I already have another family waiting for me.

That broke my heart into pieces. All this time, he was pretending to be the loyal and best dad to us, without knowing he has another door to enter.

He walked near me and placed his knife near my neck. "You little piece of shit, don't act too strong. You know I can bury you alive at this moment". He threatened me which made me quiet. Then he left the room and out the house with a smile on his face.

How will Mika survive on her own?


Hi author here, it's my first story and I'm afraid no one will like it. Anyways, Jake's appearance will be soon! Please like this story, it will be appreciated:)) luv u♡


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