My Uncles : One Direction

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"Madeline Rubin Styles! Get over here right now!" I heard my Uncle Harry yell. Yes. The real Harry Styles. He's my uncle. Harry and the other guys from One Direction take care of me since my mom died when she was giving birth to me and my dad has been in...jail. Since I was only three years old. Harry is my uncle but I call him dad even though obviously he isn't my real dad. But he seems like it. Not lately though. My real dad I may never see again.

I forced myself to walk down the long, twisting, stairs in my uncle's and the guy's flat. I saw the other 1D guys on the couch, I call them my uncles too since they take care of me like Harry.

I felt my uncles stare at me as I walked over to my "dad". "Yes dad?" I said weekly. "WHY DID YOU MAKE THIS BIG MESS IN THE KITCHEN?" Harry shouted.

I felt tears drizzle down my cheeks as I glanced over the kitchen from the living room. There were wrappers and dirty dishes scattered everywhere.

"I didn't do that!" I gasped. I spun over to face my dad who was texting on his phone as if he didn't give a care for me. After 5 awkward seconds of my dad smiling at his phone, he looked up in my eyes. This time with an ugly frown. "Then who did?" Harry asked. "A ghost?" He added sarcastically. "Maybe you and and your girlfriend! You remember when you came home with her and trashed the house!?" I shouted with attitude. My uncles just stared at my dad and I with out saying a word as if this was entertaining.

"Don't you say that about Katelyn!" My dad yelled now with a purple vein popping out of his neck. Katelyn was my "dad's" new girlfriend. He met her almost 3 weeks ago. Ever since then, my dad has been to busy with her to care about me. Katelyn was probably the person my dad was texting ten seconds ago.

I noticed my face was a pool of tears. I rubbed my eyes. My dad looked from me to his phone. Texting away...I shook my head. I ran to my room tears flying. I closed my door, crying. With a little lock of my door, I turned to my bed. I lied down sobbing in my duvet. I heard an annoyed knocking on my bedroom door. I ignored it.

I guess my dad remembered he was talking to me, not his girlfriend on his phone because I heard his booming voice through my door. "MADELINE! YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR STUFF AND THEN YOU ARE TO CLEAN THE HOUSE!!" Harry (not wanting to call him dad or uncle anymore) screamed. I trudged up from my bed. Not obeying him will make things worse.

I unlocked my door as slow as possible. I opened my door with a hush creak. My dad had his phone locked in his hands as if there was forever glue on his hand and his phone. 10 seconds dad's eyes shot up to mine. "Erm...oh! Go clean the kitchen!" He shouted as he pointed down the hallway. I sniffled and walked down the hall, down the stairs, through the living room with my uncles sitting on the couch. I opened the kitchen door.

I picked up wrappers, put glass dishes in the dishwasher and washed plastic dishes. Then when the dishwasher was done, I put all of the clean dishes in the proper place. I washed the counter and table tops until they gleamed. I pushed open the kitchen swivel door and walked back upstairs to my room. As I was about to turn the corner to the bedroom hallway, I heard some light talking. I peeked over the wall and saw my dad pacing around with his phone to his ear. Let me guess, he's talking to Katelyn.

"Oh yeah." My dad said to Katelyn on the phone. "Oh...NO! I am not busy at all tonight!" My dad chuckled. That last sentence sinked into me. "I am not busy at all tonight!" My dad promised he would take me to the movies and get some ice cream with me tonight. It's not that I really wanted to get ice cream, it's that my dad pushed off OUR plans for Harry and Katelyn plans.

I tiptoed closer. My dad heard me and looked at me sternly. "I got to go." My dad said to Katelyn. He laughed like people do when they are talking to boyfriends and girlfriends and he hanged up. My dad shot me a dirty look. "Go get your computer, phone, and T.V. Remote, NOW!" My dad screamed. "Wha..." I stopped myself and scrambled into my room to gather my things.

I handed my fake dad my things. I wonder what my real dad was like...bad I guess since he's in jail. I sighed. "NOW GET TO BED!" My dad demanded. I tumbled to my bed with tears leaving marks on my face.

My dad slammed my door shut to have a terrible ending to a terrible day.


Author's Note:

This is my first chapter!

I am really excited about this book!! 😌 I hope you aren't confused but this is the deal: Madeline Styles is actually Harry Styles' sister's daughter. I know confusing! Harry's sister died when giving birth to Madeline and Madeline's dad is in jail, so Harry Styles decided to take care of her. The rest of One Direction takes care of her too. Since Harry is like Madeline's dad, she calls him dad even though he is her Uncle. Very confusing!! I know! But trust me, 1D lovers will love this!!!!!❤😮 Please rate and comment! If you have any questions, Inbox me or comment. 😀

-Emma ❤

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