Prologue: A son's rebellion

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Seth's point of view.....

I've been cooped up studying everything about business and history of dueling and I challenged everyone but my father in this damm company heck even the rookies are not even a challenge only ones so far ia my mom and uncle but I'm curious about duel academy and see what that school has to offer ever since my dad made it and I asked him if I could go and he said no every time despite what he said on the recording when he accouned it and I Seth Kaiba won't back down not now not ever and I discovered new way of dueling a new method thx to a card that fell out of the sky for some reason along with my copy of blue eyes white dragon deck I added it and made some of my own and my own tech that I forged with hard work including my bare hands and this time I'm going there and no bodies going stop me besides I'm not like my father well most I do but rest my mom and I go towards my plane and bike that I hide some features that made it look like a normal bsyicle and my dad is there.

Dad: And where do you think your going Seth?

Seth: You know where father.

Dad: I won't let you and you know that.

Seth: That's why I'm not going down without a fight, legs do this old man.

I tap my watch which turns into my duel disk with my deck already in it.

Dad: Impressive tech, I see you made your own and I was prepared for this

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Dad: Impressive tech, I see you made your own and I was prepared for this.

Dad put on his own and put his own deck in.

Seth: You forget dad you may know every single card but do you really?

Dad: What do you mean?

Seth: You'll see.

We acitvate our duel disks and I also activate a feature which both our duel disks systems warn us as this is a prototype.

System: Waring Prototype Dimension method system acitvate can't terminate til duels over.

Dad: So you think this will save you and what is this summoning method system you used that's cleary first time testing it.

Seth: I'm surpised you forgot, let me show you in this duel.

Dad: Fine by me.

S and F Kaiba: Duel!

Seth: hand 5/LP: 4000

Seto: hand 5/LP: 4000

Seth: I go first, I draw!

Seth draws a card and he smiles at this.

Seth: First off I play pot of greed and draw two more, next I set two cards and I use Blue eyes Alternate Dragons effect, by revealing one Blue eyes white dragon and another!

Blue-Eyes Alternate White Dragon x2: Atk 3000/Def 2500

Seth: Next I build the overlay network and combined my two level 8 Blue eyes Alternate Dragons into a beast that's born from a Galaxy that was destroyed by a black hole inraged, this mighty monster will destroy all who oppose him. Now Rise up Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tacyon Dragon!

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