Episode 1: Next King of Games

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Yugi's point of view......

I can't believe Seto pulled a fast one on me cause I'm the current King of Games to beat his son or he beats me in these entrance exams also can't believe little Seth has brought back Dimension Summoning and made a new method called Xyz Summoning thx to his newest ace monster making it possbile and can't be destroyed unless I use a Number agansit it since it's a number that's ridiculous then again so was Exodia the Forbidden one if you get all five cards in your hand or Egyptian God cards on top of that he has Oblisk which I find kinda funny since thou I'm sad that he ripped up Grandpas one and only and four out of three Blue-Eyes also took it so I call it karma that Seth pulled a him in a way also God Snacther card better get rid of it soon as possbile if I summon Ra or Slifer anyways here he comes now.

DA Announcer: Seth Kaiba pls come to stage 1 Seth Kaiba pls come to stage 1.

Welp that's my cue now let's see what he's made of.

No point of view.....

We see Zane and Alexis on a balcony.

Alexis: So. Zane what you think we get out of this Seth Kaiba?

Zane: Well I rumor has it he beat his father quickly with Dimension Summoning and a new Method plus he's got a god card too also look who he's dueling, If I have any bets it's King of Games then again it could go ether way with Seth's new ace monsters.

Alexis: Same but I hope Keth win this, I mean why would he come here also I wonder what's his new ace monsters is I mean we idk which gof card and what new monster he has.

Zane: True very true.

Scene changes to Seth and Yugi coming up on Stage 1 which is nezt to the stage where Jaden will duel Crowler.

Seth: So your king of Games and I'm sure my dad put you up to this also your going lose. *eyes narrow with determination*

Yugu: I wouldn't be too sure after all History maybe repeat itself and you loae to me just like your father.

Seth: We will after all unlike the time you and dad first dueled I have the heart what my father lacked back then and this time in first time in history a Kaiba beats a Muto ever since you and dad dueled.

Seth and Yugi: Let's Duel!

Seth: hand 5/LP: 4000

Yugi: hand 5/LP: 4000

Seth: Hmm *Smirks a bit and calls upon his deck to get right cards* Draw! First up I play pot of greed and let's see if I can win this duel on the first turn! *smirks* So tell me what cards you have Yugi?

Yugi: Wait why would I tel-.

Seth: Guess I play all five pieces of the puzzle like you did so long ago when you faced my father the first time! I summon the All Mighty Exoida!

Yugi: How I accdiently dropped those into the sea!

Seth: It's simple cause those cards washed up on a beach on day turns out cards can't be destroyed unless you rip them plus these hold the sprirt of Exoida those in five pieces now time to finish this!

(Replace Seto with Yugi also minus no monsters and Gx style also replace Yugi's voice with Seth's which sounds like 13 verison of Kaiba's voice mixes with little bit of his mom's just by a speck)


Everyone was shocked that Seth had those cards in his deck and used them agansit the King of Games including his dad and mom and uncle back home since their watching this through camera's live and Seth's parents and Uncle realized he's too strong for his own good and can't stop him til they get their own XYZ/numbers monsters, relearn Dimension summoning and use Ra and Slifer on him to beat him and Kaiba corp is showing their working hard on making XYZ Monsters and figure out the secret what's makes a number different from a xyz monsters.

(Brought you by Chibi Seto chewing on his shirt with Chibi Ishizu and his little bro trying calm him down)

We're back to see Yugi getting up dusting himself off and sees Seth walking up to him and offers him a sake which he accepts.

Seth: I would say good game but Exoida is....

Yugi: Too op I know but I give these to your father to send them to Atem.

Seth: Yeah thou I hope we duel again but next time so defeating you on the first turn of the duel.

Yugi: I do and Welcome to Duel Academy.

DA Announcer: And there you have it Seth Kaiba son of Seto and Ishizu Kaiba today joins Duel Academy!

Mostly everybody cheers for their short duel which didn't cheat just had right hand and right cards.

Yugi: Also since your going your father wanted me to give you this.

Yugi hands Seth a white Pendant with glowing Blue dragon eyes on it which Seth puts it on.

Seth: Thx and also Tell Dad and rest of my family and your other if you get a chance I said Hi and I'm going be number 1 and I won't be alone as if I was cause I'm never alone with my deck and some friends I will make at Duel Acamdey who can put me in my place if I get too cocky like my father does and also *whispers to Yugi about a embarrassing story when his mom and Dad told him stories about their past*.

Yugi: Oh that's funny I sure will.

With that Seth goes and gets his blue blazer on which it's like Zanes but open and is allowed to keep his duel disk if Duel Acamdey is allowed to make thier own verisons for certain duelists who earned it in their school and Seth gets a idea that make people rage quit and torture them about a certain stragdey also hands Yugi Exoida.

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