-By Monty/🎸!

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Wednesday 17th February 06:58 PM 1967.


As You Ran Out Of Your Mother's Cottage With Your Peice Of Toast With Jam On It, And Your Basket Of Goodies With A Blanket Inside, And Let's Not Forget Your Beautiful Short White And Light Purple Dress Flowing Behind As Your Mother Yelled Worried.

‘Be back soon my dear! No later then 9!’

“Alright mom! Take care!”
‘you too my dear!’

Your Mother Smiled Shutting The Door As You Ran, Passing Many, Many Cats On Your Way.

“so many beautiful lovely cats!”

As You Ran Carefully In Your Beautiful Outfit You Wandered Across Your Favorite Flower Garden, The Flower Garden Was Full Of Lavender, Roses And Many Others!

“now this, is where I call home..”

You Smiled To Yourself Placing Your Basket Down And You Grabbed The Blanket From Inside, Carefully Placing It Down On Your Favorite Spot.

As You Sat Down You Grabbed The Light Brown, Basket Wich Had Flowers Into It Getting The Goodies Your Mother Packed Inside For You.

As You Was Enjoying The Basket Full Of Goodies You Spotted Amaya One Of Your Closest Friends.

“oh! Amaya! Why don't you enjoy some goodies with me my friend?”

You Smiled As You Waved At Her, Seeing Her Quickly Trot Towards You.

‘’my, my! I would love to! Thank you for letting me!‘’

“of course! Your my friend after all!”

You Both Smiled, Eating Politely As You Both Laid On The Blanket Looking Up At The Sky.

As You Was Staring Up At The Sky Amaya On The Other Hand Was Looking At You.. You'd Turn Over Looking At Your Friend, Her Face Was Quite Red.

“Amaya? Are you alright?”
You Asked, Grabbing Her Hand Carefully.

‘’ah!, I'm fine! Thank you for asking though.‘’

“are you sure?, your face! It's all red! Are you sick perhaps?”

‘’no no!, I wouldn't be out her if I were.. Don't want anyone else getting sick would make this town even more of a wreck.!‘’

“ah, correct! Well would you mind walking back with me to my cottage? It's not far!”

‘’I don't mind! It's almost nine already? Time goes by really quickly!‘’

You Laughed Grabbing Your Stuff Placing It In The Basket As Amaya Looked At You Gracefully.

“let's go then!”
You Smiled Grabbing Her Hand Tightly As She Held Yours.

As You Arrive You Let Go Of Amayas Hand, She Looked Displeased That You Let Go.

“well, see you soon?”

‘’of course!‘’

“well then! Have a good afternoon!”

‘’you too!‘’

She Smiled Walking Off.

But As You Walked Into The Cottage You Saw Your Father.

‘and who was that?’

“just my friend father! Amaya-”

‘and why were you holding hands?.’

He Questioned, He Wasn't A Fan Of Non-Straight Couples.. Well This Is The Olden Days After All..

“she's a slow runner! We had to run otherwise I would've been late.”

‘alright, go sort yourself out then do some work.’

“of course father.!”

You Walked Off To Your Room Locking The Door Behind You As You Changed Your Outfit.

“that was close..”

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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