part 1#

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Why is Levi here nvm hehe ola b#tch

I have some oc so pls don't steal them

(This is you're P.O.V my beautiful reader)
Hi my name is y/n I'm from Philippines a few days ago i discovered I was adopted and my mom doesn't know I know since then all I wanted is to find my real parents I never new my dad but I grew up with the most loving mom she worked as a waitress and even do we don't have much money I had everything I needed and what I needed most we're books! every night my mom would read to me and I became obsessed when I joined school and discovered the library I was in heaven and I always preferred my friend's in stories more than real people once in sixth grade I needed to use the dictionary for my homework so I went to mom's room and climb the stool to take it down the shelf just then the Stool under me wobble and I went crushing in the floor  (clumsy reader uheheheuhheh) with some books as I started picking everything up I saw something that shock me it was a picture of a couple holding a baby and the woman look exactly like me! she had to be my real mom and the man next to her was my dad I turn the picture over and all it say was <Japan> 2004 that was my birth year!
were my real parents in Japan [A.K.A my dream destination] I snuck the picture in my pocket mom had kept it a secret and i had to know why I was waiting to confront mom that night but she never came hours pass she wouldn't even pick up her phone just then there was a loud knock on the door and was moms friend from work bringing her on a a weelcher, omg mom! what happened! I shout worry.
she'd had a terrible accident in work and wasn't aloud to walk for week's and even she fully recover she had a permanent limp now I put aside all tough of confronting her about my real parents I don't want to make things harder for her once in the 9th grade I gon with mom to the market when suddenly she got a cramp in her leg and lost balance she went crashing to a wealthy looking man who in turn fell in the food seller stall bringing the whole thing with him. As I help mom up the wealthy man turn to her angrily,you blind ignorant woman look what you've done  my suit is ruined do you know what it costs more than your house I'm sure!!! he scream.don't talk to my mother like that (fucker) she didn't do it intentionally she has an injured leg!! I shout back angry, so why is this trash going around causing trouble for everyone else I want the money for my suit!!!, he shout again you may have all the wealth in the world sir but you certainly don't have any compassion(sympathy) my mother's ailment(medical condition) she can help but what's your excuse for your cold unfeeling dead hearth!!!(ha! reader-chan is a smartass)I scream at him. hey kid just shut up the- he got cut off by a rich looking lady step forward .don't talk to a child like that will this solve your problem she said and wave tick bundle of cash in his face in two second the man was gone
She even give money to the stall owner and she over to take me and mom home

don't talk to a child like that will this solve your problem she said and wave tick bundle of cash in his face in two second the man was gone She even give money to the stall owner and she over to take me and mom home

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Rarw Kenma hehe cute btw 615
U know it's short sorry

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