Chapter 32 book 4

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" No. I made my decision to run away and I'm sticking by it. " I lift my hand and erase everyone's memory of what happened. I collapsed from then lack of energy I had in my body.

" Nat! Nat, wake up. Nat, wake up please." Someone called.

" Sissy. Wake up."

I groaned softly.  My eyes fluttered open and I saw Bane and Kenzie beside me. Other centaurs were around but not as close as the two of them. The kids were close and were only about a few inches away from me.

" W- what happened?" I groan. My head was pounding.

" I saw you use your powers to erase memories and you passed out after." Kenzie explained.

" You mean like what happened before?" I ask.

" Bingo." Bane said.

" What am I going to do now? No one remembers me." I groan.

" Live life." Bane simply answered. I nod.



That's what I did. I lived my life normally in the woods with the centuars. Yes, at times I was sad I couldn't be with my twin or my friends but I got over it quickly.

It's been about a year now. It was quite a peaceful year. No distractions. I haven't once sneaked into Hogwarts.

It was just a peaceful day doing regular day to day stuff.  The sun was setting and I heard footsteps walking into the forest. No one was supposed to enter.

" Someone, no wait. Three people are walking into the forest. " I warn everyone. The adults took out their bow and arrows while I helped get the kids into one house and made it invisible.

I made sure the children stayed quiet. After about 30 minutes, the Centuars returned with a toad looking lady that was dressed with pink. I grimaced at her look.

" Stop!" She kept screaming.

" I'm-" I cut her off with my powers and silenced her. I made myself visible but kept the children hidden. 

" Just. Shut. The. Hell. Up!" I scold. She glared at me.

" Why were you in the forest?" I ask and pulled back my powers.

" The children pulled me here saying this is where Dumbledore kept his secret weapon." She said in a very annoying voice.

" Secret weapon my ass. They were probably just trying to get rid of you." I scoff, " do as you please." I told the centaurs.

They grabbed her and brought her deeper into the forest where I silenced her.

I went back to the children and explained vaguely explained to them where their parents have gone.

I heard footsteps walking into the forest but I didn't panic which was odd and weird. Especially since I was usually very paranoid about people coming into the forest.

" Ah, Natalie. I see you're fitting in well with this cute creatures." Dumbledore calmly said.

" What are you doing here? You're not supposed to know." I point out.

" Well, the world is full of surprises isn't it?" He states. " I don't suppose you know where your friends have brought Umbridge do you?"

I raise an eyebrow. " There." I point in the direction they took Umbridge.

He starts walking away but turns back. " Oh and Natalie, you would be a great mother." He said pointing to Kenzie and the little Centaurs. I smiled a little at his comment.

The twin with powers ( HP ff )Where stories live. Discover now