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1: The chase is exciting, is it not?


In a world full of stars, what’s there to do but chase after them? They are different from us mortals, they live in the heavens whilst we are bound to the Earth. They may experience a fall from the sky but all you can do is run after them, fully knowing that no matter how fast you go you can never reach them. The distance may seem small but when you reach the end you realize no matter how small it may seem, it’s far from the truth. 

I am Morri, one of those star chasers, and the one I cannot reach is soloist Athanasius. How good it is to be a fan girl, especially a fan girl with status. One of the first to ever support, from a band to a solo career, so near yet so far. As one of the earliest members, I have been blessed with the privilege of authority and power within the official fanclub. They call me admin. 

At first it made me happy but as a person who has gained countless experience, the burden is heavy as an admin. We must protect the star we support, but we must also portect the young ones in the club from the dark truth which is the entertainment industy. Not all is at seems, the mysteries of overnight fame can be found within this circle. We must protect the star we support fully knowing that what is shown to us might not necessarily be true and there is more to the issue than meets the eye. We must protect him fully knowing the face he shows to the public might not be the face he has in private. How difficult it is to be a fangirl.

Five years has passed, and life as a fangirl is indeed difficult. Countless nights were spent voting for music awards, retweeting and liking posts, fighting against trolls, trolling the haters. And there’s also the album. Ah, the album. Those well off could buy it with a snap of their fingers, but for us who live in poverty is the worse. We have to bleed and sell our kidneys just to be able to afford one. 

I am Morri, and I cannot help but cry. To be a fangirl of soloist is truly difficult. But as Morri the admin, life has some benefits in store. Ah yes, unlike the others the admins are able to get the album and some exclusive merch for FREE. How great it is to be an admin. But there is a more complex story for that. 

At the initial stages, there will always be a chance for failure. Before our star climbed to success he had also experienced numerous stumbling blocks, but through success or failure, us admins has never left his side and thus he was able to disregard his fear of being abandones and grew to achieve his success. His success was also ours, but he cannot help but express his thanks through exclusive items and such. Ah really, it is a happy thing to be blessed. 

“Morri, there’s a mini-concert tomorrow. Afterwards Asi will hold a little meet and greet with his fans. Are you coming? Here’s your ticket for the event.”

I haven’t even said anything yet, but team leader has already decided for me. Morri wants to: cry. 

Ah, the difference in status could really be seen, left with no choice, I ofcourse have to accept. This is bullying. An abuse of power. I demand justice.

“C’mon, don’t give me that look. It’s been a while since all of us had a get together. I heard even Thana is coming. You’ll miss out. I'll go first, I still have some errands to run.”

Really, what a pity. She has left just like that. Ah, the difference is just too great. Not all of us can be an ex but still be in good terms with each other. Team leader Rosage is just like that. She was Asi’s ex, but even when they broke up they’re still the best of friends. I think they realized something when they were dating, like how it was better for them to be friends instead of lovers. 

I can’t say I’m envious though, because Asi and I are also friends. But really team leader has it different, I’m closer with Thana – Asi’s sister. Asi is a nickname we – or more like team leader, made for Athanasius. What a suprise right. But like I said, it was different back then without all the famedom. The admins had a close relationship with the band Chasing Stars, even from before they disbanded. The members of the band were Asi, Thana, Levi, and Kyl. Due to personal reasons they disbanded and faded from stardom, but Asi remained and continued to pursue a career – our fandom is officially called starchasers by the way, even when he became a soloist he still wanted that to be the fandom name, to never forget his roots. Sigh, the relationship really is difficult. 

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