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2: Power is but a mere toy.


I've had visions of a distant past where I used to dream not for others, but for me. My memories of a future I used to wish for started resurfacing after I’ve come to a resolution to pursue something that I want.

When I was a little girl, I was invested in business. It wasn’t really the business that interested me, but the ways of persuasion to convince all sorts of people to buy the products you were endorsing. The way of marketing. Additionally, with my experience as a fangirl, I’ve seen some things that makes me want to change how the industry works.

Celebrities come and go, they either get their five seconds of fame and disappear or they don’t even have a chance to stand on the limelight. It's because of what happens backstage, all the shady stuff. Admittedly, there are a few agencies that do treat their artists well, but others not so much. ANX Entertainment (Asi’s current agency), is one of the few known agencies that treat their artists well.

If I want to change things, power and influence has to come in play. It’s a good thing that I have both, though not many know about it. Dashkov is quite an uncommon surname here, but in another country they hold quite an influence, especially in politics. Laurently is another thing.

If I were to introduce myself, I am Asteria Morrigan Dashkov Laurently. Both maternal and paternal side are influential in their own right. Dashkov in country X, mostly in politics. Laurently in country Y, dabbling in all sorts of business — legal ones of course. I currently reside in country Z, mainly for my education but as you all know, I stayed because I fell in love with the city, then a band, then a guy (who ended up breaking my naive innocent heart). My parents live at country Y, since forever. I was the one who insisted on picking a university outside the scope of their power because I didn't like the unnecessary attention. I’m more of behind the scenes type of girl.

For a fresh start, I decided to move back to country Y. I’m going back to my origins, then claw my way from there to the very top of the food chain in the entertainment industry. I have already packed my bags, well, not really. I don’t really have to pack since I can just buy everything I need at country Y. But just for show, I decided to bring along important things like my personal files and the gadgets I use.

I honestly can leave my laptop here, but it has quite the sentimental value to it. I don’t want to regret not bringing it along, especially if I think of a worst case scenario like a burglary happening in this place. Better to be prepared and safe than to be late and sorry.

I do have to call my parents, to tell them I’m finally moving back. After graduating college, I never really visited them again. It’s not because we’re on bad terms, but more like if I visit them I know I can no longer return to this place as they will think of all the ways to make me stay there. At that time, I still wanted to remain here for a bit longer. I still had a reason to stay.

Moving forward, I wonder if Cev’s offer still stands until this day? I guess I’ll just have to find out once I get there. Time to call my parents.

“Morri, we’re glad that you’re back.”

My mother welcomed me with a hug as soon as I walked through the doors. My father who was on the shy side, gave me a simple nod.

“Mom, dad, do you know where I can find Ceviel at this hour?”

I know I shouldn’t be immediately asking for this, but what can I say? I’m itching to work my ass off. My parents know the details anyway, they know that I mainly came back for work being close to them and being able to visit them more frequently is just a secondary reason. I won’t be living with them, since this time I want to focus on my own career and they understand that and are fully supportive of it.

It honestly would be weird if I ever did attempt to stay with them, after years of independence. Even my older brother and sister left the house when they were at the age capable of fending for themselves.

Astraia Maureen is the only one currently living with them at the residence. I don’t think that would change anytime soon. It seems as though she’s my parents’ new favorite. Her circumstances are kind of special.

“Cev’s probably at his main office, busy with paperwork I bet. Laurently’s really are workaholics. Look, even you are itching to go off and work and don’t get me started with your father. He’s a hopeless case!”

My mother said in exasperation. I understand her sentiment, even if we chose to loaf around we would still be able to live fine with the accumulated wealth the family has. Unfortunately for her, her children aren’t the lazy type. Her children are the hands on type, they have to be directly involved.

“Thanks mom! Gotta run.”

After that I got in my car and drove off to Cev’s office to meet with him.

The building looks nice were my honest thoughts once I had arrived, but I couldn’t control my mouth twitching at the undesirable name the company had. I mean, when you think about it the name is actually adorable but it doesn’t really the suit the guy who owns the place.

[Rainbow Unicorn Corps]

It sounds like a name from a freaking anime show. I bet Arcenny had something to do with this ... name. Ceviel is completely helpless when it comes to her. A sister-complex.

As I walked in to the building, I was greeted by a very normal looking lobby compared to the very unique name it had. I approached what seemed to be the reception area.

“Good afternoon ma’am, how can I help you?”

Okay, I’m rating the staff 5 stars already. From their vibes alone, I already like them. They appear to be very decent people and I trust my instincts.

Before I could get a chance to reply, I heard a very familiar voice coming from behind.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here? If it isn’t the great Asteria Morrigan Laurently finally deciding to grace poor old Ceviel with her glorious presence!”

I can see the receptionist, along with the staff within my field of vision had their eyes widen out of shock. I can’t blame them, Cev usually wears this polite mask that makes him look so eDuCAtEd or whatever. He only acts like this to those he is very close to. He’s ruining the cool guy impression everyone has on him.

“Let’s take this to your office shall we? Dearest cousin of mine.”

He rolled his eyes and waved for me to follow him. This is probably going to take a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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