Old address.

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So after breakfast the others went to the beach,better I say the looked for the beach,and I waited on the stairs outside for Angie.After a few minutes she finally came with a little bag a little teddy. "Why the teddy?",I asked her while I was looking at the teddy.She smiled brightly. "It's for Emma!".I guess the teddy is one of those all the little girls want - because of its cutenss or why ever. "So come on Vilu let's go.",she said in a nervous way.I stood up and walked next to her. "You know where we have to go to?".Angie nodded. "Not exactly but I have the old address...".I thought a minute - this address is already about ten years old and there could happend so much in that time. "Okay let's try it!",I said. We walked through many little streets and next to a little river,but then suddnely Angie stopped walking.I turned around to her. "Angie what's up?",I asked carefully. "I don't know if it's a really good idea to look forword to their house.",Angie said sadly.I looked at her and gave her a little smile. "Angie it's a good idea.You have to meet her and she has to meet you!".A few minutes it was quiet and we just stood there.Then she finally nodded. "Maybe you are right." .So we started walking again.The little part of Venice we we were was beautiful.Everywhere were those beautiful flowers and they all had balconys and beautiful little houses. "So where we have to go now?",I asked Angie while I fell in love with one of those beautiful little houses.Angie looked in her little book. "We have to turn in the legt street,there it must be - or better there it has been.".We both turnd in the little street and we totally got nervous.Most of all Angie,but I guess that's totally normal.We haven't said a word,all we did was going straight ahead. "This it must be...",Angie said nervous.We stood finally infront of a really big house.It had a beautiful little garden and a little pool.You really could see that the people who live there have much money. "...should we?",Angie said slowly and quiet.I nodded. "Let's go." We went on that little path which brings you to the door.There we stood now - infront of the door,closer then never.I looked nervous up to Angie.She nodded fast and then she rang the bell without thinking what could happen.I guess we nerver really thought about what could happen...

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