Chapter 1-Birthday Nightmares

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"Hannah Come On!" Tess screamed at me through the door.

"Dont be so bloody impatient Tess" i yelled back. I slipped my dress over my head and checked my make up one last time. Perfect! I unlocked the door to see a very pissed off Tess.

"Thank Fuck for that" She groaned, I laughed bending down to get my 6inches heels on.Tonight is my sister, Zoes' 21 and of course i am going. Never one to miss a good party Tess is tagging along as my plus 1.

"Ready?" I asked slinging my bag over my shoulder.Tess nodded following me from the room towards my car.

"We'll be down soon to help out love" My Mum called as we exited the building. My mum doesn't know half of the shit i get up too so I'm still her little angle. Its rather funny actually. I drove towards the venue where Im fairly sure Zoe would be, panicing right about now.

" Is Zach going tonight?" Tess asked interupting my deep thought.

" Id say so, although Zoe doesn't know what went on so just keep it on the down low please, its about her tonight." Tess nodded.

" So your not all cold heart and cement blood!" She exclaimed hitting my arm.

"Hahaha" I laughed sarcastically.

We pulled into the parking lot of Club 49 and noticed Zachs car.Fuck. I got out the car and headed straight for the door where Zoe was stood arguing with some bloke who looked about 35. She looked as if she needed help so i stepped in smiling like a model and flipping my hair from my shoulder.

"Exscuse me sir, is there a problem?" i asked looking sickeningly sweet and innocent.

" Not anymore" He replied smirking at my legs.

"Good" I gigelled sweetly yet again.

I looked down at Zoe as we walked into the club, furthering the view i had already.

"This is cool Zo, where'd you find it?" I asked looking around at the large expance.

"Dad managed a refit here but some dumbass cabbage that worked for him fucked it up so Dad stepped in directly and over time got to know the owner so this is free for the night so long as we clean up tomorrow." i nodded suprised at the knowledge she had about this place.

"Where do you want this box Zo?" A familiar voice bellowed from behind her small figure.

"Tamas?" I asked stepping foward.

He chuckelled."Hey Sis, hows it going?" i ran towards his open arms and was releived when his strong arms wrapped around me.

"OMG HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS?" I squealed looking at Zoe and Tess talking away, they had always gotten on well and sometimes it was good and sometimes it wasn't.

"Do you need Hannah at the momemt Zo, we need to catch up" He smiled at her and Tess as they finished talking.She frowned looking down at her phone checking the time.

"Half an Hour and bring her back in one peice,Mum and Dad would never forgive me." Tamas laughed snaking his arm around my waist.

"Lets roll Baby Girl" He said pushing me towards the door.

"Zach told me what happened you know" He said looking in my eyes. My face flushed as that nights events played through my head.

"I never ment for it too happen Tamas,i swear i was so drunk that by the time he took me home i had to ask what my name was and why i was in my flat."

"How did you get like that anway, i know you like to get rowdy and have a drink but even for you that was weird."

" My drink was spiked, another girl had hers done as well."

"What was it?" He asked looking worried.

"GHB is what I was told about when they examined me at the hospital, i.made a move on completely out of it but passed out before i could follow through with my ludacris actions." I picked up my coffee and took a long gaulp finally able to do so without killing my tongue.

"When did this all happen?" Tamas asked eyeing me suspicously.

I gigelled nervously. Man I Am Screwed.

"Last Month" I let out in barely a whisper.

"How did you get in to the club Hannah?" He asked sternly.

But before i could answer, my phone rang stopping me dead in my tracks.

"Hello" I spoke into the phone

"Is this Hannah Long im speaking too?"

"Yes it is how can i help you?" i asked politely.

" Im sorry to inform you but Zoe Long was found dead outside club 48 just under an hour ago." My body went numb as his words passed through my suddenly very still body. I heard voices. Loud,worried voices but my body uncapable of responding stood and ran till i couldn't breathe anymore.

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