𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕒 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕓𝕠𝕪~ (𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥 𝕗𝕖𝕞𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝗑 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕓)

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So this is you last warning to turn back now from this trash ;-;

Still here ok then well a few things Y/N x your name H/N x his name and ofc it's smut obviously

And Btw please don't be scared to correct me on anything or give suggestions on what I should fix give me all the feedback cuz I still have a lot to learn alright enjoy.

"GOT DAMN IT Y/N GET YOUR ASS IN THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW" your teacher yelled at you from the class with blue paint dripping from her head while your running down the hall laughing your ass off. Not paying attention to where your going you bump into someone falling on top of them.

"What the fuck watch where your going!.." you hear as you look up at the person your on top of it was h/n a friend from a long time ago but you guys recently stopped talking because he had came out as trans and he thought you didn't except him so he just cut you off which wasn't the case at all truth be told you were obsessed with him like really really obsessed.

"Uh hello are you there earth to y/n please get off of me" you snap back into reality "oh sorry h/n I was just running from the teacher sorry" you stand up getting off of him even tho you didn't want to. You put out your hand to help him up but he just pushed it away and gets up dusting himself off "whatever y/n just watch where your going next time". You didn't even hear what he said because you were just looking him up and down looking at his perfect face with his pitch black eyes dark skin and long black dreads  covering his face and his stick like figure. now he wasn't but a few inches taller then you so the thought of you pinning him to the wall and kissing him like a wild beast flooded your head.

Without realizing your were staring so hard h/n could see you undressing him with your eyes and it made him turn red "Y/N!" he said eyes wide and his face flushed you saw this and smirked and chuckled a little surprised at the effect you had on him you were about to say something but you got cut off by the bell and h/n to that chance to speed walk away from you to class luckily you had the next class with him so ofc you were gonna tease him.

(In the class room./How do y'all like it so far?)

Now somehow you got to class before h/n and all the seats where full except the one next to you in the back of the class cuz nobody really liked you for some reason. a few seconds after the bell ring h/n finally came in the class as he scan the room he could see that the only seat left was next you and scoffed and begged the teacher to let him sit somewhere else but to no avail he had to sit next to you. While you were paying attention to the lecture playing with your pin and suddenly in the corner of your eye you could see h/n staring at you blushing but he was mainly staring at your thighs and you thought it would be a perfect chance to tease him so you look at him and an whisper "like what you see h/n your staring pretty hard".

As he heard this his eyes widen and he turned red he almost looked like a tomato you giggles at his reaction he turned around and looked down at the desk. Few minutes later the bell rings and h/n runs out of the room first and you grab your things and leave as well. walking past the bathroom someone grabs your arm and pulls you into the bathroom but it's dark and you can here the door close and it lock "hey what the hell is going on!" As the lights turn on you notice that's it's just h/n you sigh in relief "h/n you scared me what's going on" he looks at you blushing and before you could say anything again he smashes his lips against your and kisses you like a desperate dog ofc you kiss him back just as desperate though.

You could feel his hands start to wonder but you weren't about to be topped you knew better then that so you stop his hands and grab him by the waist and pin him up against the wall and it made him let out a little groan and it made you want him even more you stop the kiss and h/n let out a disappointed whine.

"What are you doing h/n" you ask still a little confused on why he kissed you I mean you weren't complaining just confused. "I need you y/n I've tried so hard to hold myself together but I just can't do it anymore!~" now that and the desperate needy look on his face was all the consent you needed to ruin him right here right now.

You smirk and kiss him passionately and a bit rough but he loved it because he kept moan and your mouth and it turned you on even more. You couldn't hold back anymore so your hands made their way to his pants line and you heard him gasp at how cold your hands felt on his skin. "Please hurry up and touch me y/n please I want to cum so bad" he said breathless from the kiss. you smirk and said "be patient now puppy I'll make sure you cum I promise" as you say that you slip one of your hands down his pants and you could feel how wet he was for you and with that being said you put your thigh in between his legs and say "sense you were staring at them so hard in class make use of them" as soon as you said that you could feel him riding your thigh and letting out the most adorable moans becoming a mess it was like music to your ears.

While he's riding your thighs you could tell he's losing his balance so you hold on to his hips helping him stay up and making him move faster. You could tell he was close to finishing and just as you were about to say something you hear someone at the door.
"Why's the door locked is someone in here?" A student says after hearing this you cover h/s mouth and whisper in his ear "you better not cum yet and don't slow down" he lets out a quite whine from hearing this.

"It's probably just the janitor cleaning in here" the students say walking away from the door. When the cost is clear you look h/n in the eyes with your hand still over his mouth you nod letting him know he can cum now as he does so you can feel his legs shaking and your thigh gets wet while his body collapses on you letting out a muffled moan and you remove your hand so you can hold him up as his head lays on your shoulder.

"good boy h/n you did such a good job" you say planting a small kiss on his neck

The end.

I hope y'all liked it ik it's kinda short but while writing it it felt like I was doing this all day and my hands HURT so imma go stuff my face with food bye I hope you all enjoyed this lemme know if I should continue this or make another one!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕒 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕓𝕠𝕪~ (𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥)Where stories live. Discover now