Call of love

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so this part two of goodboy because someone requested it. this might be a little short because I've been a little busy with my own relationship stuff sooo ye enjoy byee!

"its been a week since h/n has came to school a little strange but I also can't help but think its because of what happened that day in the bathroom" before I could think anything more I hear the bell ring telling everyone its finally to go home so I pack my bag just to be stopped by my science teacher Mr. love "y/n may I speak with you before you leave" in frustration I agree just wanting to get this over with and go home already.

as I sit back down in my seat I notice him closing the door and locking it which sent shivers down my spine. now he was not ugly but not cute either so average but hot average green eyes light brown fluffy ear length hair and perfect jaw line with a not to muscular body and at least 7'5 in Height but got damn was he creepy its fine though at least he hot.

lost in my thoughts I didn't even know he was so close to me which scared me a little bit. "so y/n I wanted to talk to you about why you've been so distracted in my class lately in all your classes actually" he leans down on one knee and places his hand on my thigh.

(before I keep going I want to say that y/n is of age so don't worry and plus the teacher Is close to their as well so please don't worry)

"you know you can talk to me about anything y/n" he said with a weird smile. it kind creeped me out but had to keep my cool "its nothing sir its just uhm family problems you don't need to worry I'm ok now can I go please" a frown formed on his face and he got a little closer to my face which made me uncomfortable in every way possible so I jumped up from my seat and ran for the door and unlocked it giving him the finger before running off.

"thank god I got out of there I hate that dude" I let out a sigh of relief and look at my phone for the time "WHAT! how is it already 4 I better get home"

(at home/how do you guys like it so far? make sure you eat btw and drink sum water)

as soon as I get in the house I plop my bag down and kick of my shoes making my way to my bedroom and hopping in my bed face first "fuckkk I'm so tired...I wonder what h/n is doing..i mean I have his phone number I could just call him to see if he's alright but...what if he doesn't want to talk to me at all.." i sit up and shake my head in frustration and look down at my phone "ill just take a shower and call him later just to see if he's alright.." as i get up and walk over to me dresser and pick out my favorite shorts and one of h/n shirts he left over my house back when we were friends. "i don't feel like wearing a bra or underwear today" with that being said i grab my Towle and make my way to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

(I'm just gonna skip this part cuz ik its boring)

"God that was so refreshing" i said sitting on my bed staring at my phone and sigh "guess its time to give him a call hm..alright lets just get this over with already" i pick up my phone and call his number biting my nails a little nerves secretly hoping he doesn't pick up the phone and just as those thoughts crossed my mind i hear the phone stop ringing that means he picked up and just as i was about to say something i hear a quiet little "hello" from the other end of the phone and gosh he sounded adorable "h-hey h/n uhm i was just calling to uhm check up on you!" i slap myself in the face thinking i totally messed that up and sight "uhm I'm fine I've just been a little sick that's all" he sounded sick so I believed him right away and was a little worried at the same time because it rare for h/n to get sick "oh alright i was just wondering cuz you weren't at school and i got worried and thought you were avoiding me hah"

"w-what no! ofc not i would never try avoid you y/n i swear!" it surprised me a little how fast he answered and just as i was about to say something i can here him mumble something "plus i would never avoid my girlfriend..." i froze for a second and there was a silence going that felt like a thousand years and i have to admit it left me blushing like crazy.

"what did you just say?.." i say trying not to make my voice sound shaky and hide the fact that I'm blushing like crazy. he quickly replies " i mean i just though that's what we were because of what happened in the bathroom that day but i totally understand if you don't feel the same!" I could tell he was flustered by the way he said that and i giggled a bit cuz i thought it was cute "i-i'm sorry y/n i know you don't feel the same i should just go.."

"wait no h/n i was laughing cuz i thought it was cute! ofc we are dating! I'm dory please don't leave h/n" I covered my mouth faster then anything beating myself up inside until I hear his small soft voice "do you really mean it..y/n do you really wanna date me?" i smile hearing those words and relax a little "yes i really mean it h/n I love you and I wanna be with you" i say with a slight sigh of relief and i could just hear him beaming with joy "alright i love you to y/n!" i let out a small laugh and after that we talked for hours and even fell asleep on the phone with each other it was the best night of my life..

"guess you could say it was a call of love.."

the end

that was the end guys I hope you liked it i know it wasn't spicy but next part i swear it will be but i just wanted to do something a little wholesome so please don't hate me ;-; anyways what do yall think is going on with is he a new lover or a stalker we will never know until i decide to get my lazy ass up and write more. bye bye!

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