chapter 4

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It was getting dark and Dan has been gone for a long time now. I had finish my homework and read almost an entire book. I was bored out of my mind and just wanted Dan to come home.

I sighed and trudged upstairs to my room, right across from Dan's, and laid down. I stared at the white walls around me and groaned. I would have to paint those someday.

I turned on the fan, listening to the blades as they cut through the air. I pulled a blanket over myself and set an alarm for school tomorrow.

Suddenly, there was a loud screech and then something like crunching metal or a bomb...

I shot from the bed and ran down the stairs, jumping the last few steps and swinging open the door. Down the road a tangled mess of what once may have been two cars.

I dialed 911as I ran to the wreckage. Someone stumbled from the wrechage of one of the cars. It looked like our neighbor... Mrs. Tellamanessy.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" I shout, running to her. She stumbled and fell into my arms, blood running down her face. "Are, are you okay? I, I called 911 they are on there way."

She choked out something... I didn't understand it.


"D-Dan...." She sobbed. "I didn't, he, we just..." She broke down into violent sobs. I looked to the tangled wreck, fear washing over me. Dan... Dan... No... No no no... "Go."she choked. "Go"

I nodded, setting her down on the sidewalk. I ran to the car, praying to God he was okay. That he was alive. Dan was all I had left... I needed him... He had to be okay...

I heard the ambulance and saw it turn onto our street moments later. "Dan!" I shouted into the mess of metal. Someone groaned and I knew it had to be Dan.

"Peter..." His voice was forced, like he was spending all his strength to talk.

"Dan!" I moved to the drivers side of the car. His head was bleeding badly and his legs were crushed between the set and the smashed front of the car.

Someone grabbed my arm and started pulling me back.

"Stay here kid, we'll take care of this.". Someone said, planting me on the sidewalk. I watched as they took Dan out of the car. His eyes were closed and his body limp. His legs looked like they had been run over by a roller... It scared me to see him like that... Terrifying.

I watched as they loaded him into an ambulance... Along with our neighbor... And drove off.

Dan, he, he had to be okay... He had to be okay...

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