Jade Discovers the Truth

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Jade was dealing through a lot.She found out that her dad was hiding things about her mother,a new boy has crush on her and is a werewolf with his weird family,her bestie knows something about her mother but it seems she doesn't wanna tell her.
Going to visit Lily,she walks pass a strange house she'd never noticed before.Anyways she ignores it but feels like she've been living in this house for years.After she reaches Lily's home,she finds out that no girl named Lily ever lived there....
While returning to home,she noticed Lily in that 'strange house'."Lily,what are you doing here?"Jade calls out."Oh Jade,I have to tell you something"Lily said."I've been given the permission to tell you everything".
Lily takes Jade to the forest.
"Jade,I need you to listen carefully!You've been gifted with magical powers.You're a witch"Lily explains."I know there's a lot going between us but you don't have to be angry on me and say whatever you want,bitch!"Jade grunts."No,Jade.I'm serious!Why don't you think you could push Claire like that or sense that Eric's a werewolf or turn invisible?"Lily grunts."Wait!I didn't tell you about the whole werewolf thing or the invisibility thing.How'd you know?"Jade asks in shock."You haven't got it yet,you idiot?I'm a witch too"Lily said.
Lily flies upward.Jade was so astonished.
"You can try too!"Lily giggles."No thanks,I'm good as a human."Jade said."You can't run from your destiny,Jade"Lily said.
"Can you come down and explain all this to me?"Jade said.
Lily flies downward
"See,you belong to the family of good witches,The Cane family"Lily says as a magical dust appears around Jade."And Eric's family is the Werewolf family.They are like the bad guys.We are their rivals and so are they to us.You are the daughter of the greatest witch in the 'witch and wizard history',Olivia Cane".Lily explains."Your trainings begin tomorrow!"."My trainings?"Jade seems confused."Yah,You have to gain control over your powers in order to defeat Eric".Lily said."Let me fly you home,one more thing you'll move to The Cane Mansion tomorrow"."Hmm okay,as long as dad doesn't have a problem"Jade shrugs."One of your powers is Hypnotization,btw"Lily smirks."I would never use my powers on dad"Jade said."A Witch's powers doesn't work on other Witch or Warlocks/Wizards"Lily chuckles."My dad's a wizard too?"Jade look suprised."Indeed"Lily said."Okay bye,see ya tomorrow"Lily said."Bye"Jade waves her hand.
Jade reaches home
"Dad,I know everything now.I'm a witch and you are a wizard.I'm moving to the Cane Mansion"Jade said gently."Oh honey,I'm so sorry I wish I could've explained it earlier"William apologizes."It's okay,dad"Jade said as they both hugged.
Everything almost came back to normal.But then........

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