How Did This Happen?

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No ones POV:

It was a Friday and the most people were heading to the dorms and Bakugou trailed a bit behind by himself, Kirishima who had taken to long to get his things was walking with Todoroki who had to talk to Aizawa and then offered to walk to the dorms with Kiri. 

Kirishima's POV: 

'Is that Bakugou up ahead?' I thought to myself before getting a bit closer to the boy on my left

"Hmm is something wrong Kirishima?" Todoroki asked me "Are you cold if you want I could warm you up?"

"O-Oh no I'm fine!" I said hesitantly


'God he's hot' my brain decided to supply but it wasn't wrong. I'd had a crush on Todoroki and Bakubro for who knows how long. 

Todoroki's POV: 

I looked back over to Kirishima to try to find out what could have caused him to lean closer to me 

"Are you sure your not cold? " I asked watching Kiri's face

"Positive!" He quickly replied

I still wasn't sure with his answer as he began to rub the back of his neck that I'm pretty sure is a nervous habit of his.


I'm going to rest now but I promise that the next part will be up soon😅

Thank you my darling❤❤ Have a great rest of your day/night

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