Goodbyes and Hellos

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"Wake up THE HELL UP Tara ", Shouts my sister from downstairs. 

 This was a daily ritual in the Gupta household. Me oversleeping, Heer and Mom shouting at me, and me refusing and making excuses to avoid the daily troubles of life. And anyways it's better to sleep then staying up and doing nothing productive. But today was different. I was already up before Heer staring shouting like a maniac. I had a flight back to Bombay early morning. I went downstairs, had breakfast, made multiple attempts to hold back my tears, but gave up while going out the door, when I saw Mom hide her tears while attempting to hide in her dupatta. I gave her a tight hug; Heer joined the hug and so did dad. I walked out as fast as I could and cried all the way to the airport. I was going to miss all that I hated – Heer's annoying voice, Mom's constant nagging, Dad's casual scolding and teachings, the Neighbours coming in for tea in the evening – asking for my grades of course. 

I was going to miss all that I love –Mom's food, Dad's Warm hugs and Heers constant support and guidance through everything. But I have been here before, I've left home before – but instead of getting easier, it gets harder and harder every time.But this is something that comes with living away, the hard times, when you yearn for your roots, your home, your people – away from all the sugar coating, hours spent meeting and trying to fit in with new people – A million lies, a million goodbyes, a million new hellos, a million "I am okay Mom" - with tears in the eyes, a million regrets, a million second thoughts – but also a few hundred good moments, a few good friends and a life time of memories in the heart. Suppressed in various thoughts I finally reached the airport. Apparently, my flight was delayed two hours due to certain reasons. I spent the time hovering around the bookstore as always, I was disappointed as the book I was looking about was sold out, but before I could whine about it to strangers around me, my flight starting boarding and I headed out. I slept all the way to Mumbai. 

 Mumbai as Always was super sunny, humid and noisy – I missed home already. I took a taxi to my campus, "Sophia College?" I asked the Taxi Guy – he replied in affirmation with a movement of the head indicating me to sit down – It is a very long one-hour journey to the campus from the airport – but anyways I reached finally – I was returning to my second home, as it felt like awkwardly. I hugged a few friends in jolly reunion – but my eyes were searching for just one person, who I didn't seem to find anywhere. I went in my room, but I couldn't see her, nor the central lawn, on the stairs, she was nowhere to be seen. "Sanjana is out on a date with a guy", Nikita told me as if it was the biggest secret in the world. I laughed in disbelief. "Nah. She can't be out with a boy come on" I said. But a few other of our Wing mates agreed with Nikita. I was shocked, I waited for her to come and give me all the details. Finally, at dinner, she snuck up to me and hugged me, there was a smile on a face, the kind of smile I had never seen on her face before. Apparently, everything out batchmates had informed me about was true. But to be short and precise, she is completely in love with a guy, who she met 2 weeks ago – she talked the entire night about how awesome he is and how much she admires every aspect of him –my major replies were only in form of gentle neck moments – Don't blame me, I was genuinely concerned for her, I mean like TWO WEEKS?

 I have known Sanjana for two years now, we have lived together since 11th grade–she is Bengali and I am Gujarati. We clicked instantly the moment we met – she is kind of an introvert until she gets comfortable around you – and I, I talk to everyone – if I could I would also talk to things. I loved her the moment I met her – she was this sweet little mean person – but one thing that struck me was that she was brutally honest, she did not believe in sugarcoating things at all. As concerned, I was about this guy she was seeing, I was happier about seeing her after almost a month. The next day was hectic and traumatizing.It was the first day of college – I was super excited; I was going to make so many new friends – learn so much and have so much fun! - Sanjana on the other hand didn't care, she was lost in her phone talking to Aditya (I discovered quite later on). I had two big shocks that day. We only had one lecture that day – Economics. The start of the lecture was quite amazing, there was no studying people just introduced themselves and got to know each other.

 After then, in the middle of the class was when I got my first shock. "To understand the class better I want you all to take a three-month long math class, and finish a couple of assignments – it would count for 40 percent of your grade, "said the professor. I was about to scream, and cry right in the class – I looked at Sanjana, she heard nothing, she was still lost in her stupid phone. Before I could think anything, I was stuck with yet another news – The first class was TODAY itself! Again, before I could question her, she dismissed the class and left. It was ten minutes to go for the math class – I looked at Sajana – still lost in her phone. I suck at math - that's the sole definite reason to why I chose arts – to escape math. But anyways, I headed to the math class, it felt like I was the only one who didn't understand and was asking constant questions, but technically I was the only one was actually interested, Half of them very either not mentally present or just waiting for the class to end. Even after multiple attempts I got nothing in my head – At this point I was frustrated, on the top of that when I turned around to find Sanjana, she was still on her damn phone! I took her phone away and she screamed on the top of her voice – I had never heard her scream so loud ever before, she didn't stop, she went on screaming and cursing me until I gave her phone back. I was just done, I walked away.Walking back to my room I was no longer wondering why Sanjana acted that way but trying to figure out ways to score good in this stupid math class. 'I could just change my major from Economics to something else?', I thought to myself. Nah of course not my mom would kill me. What can I do? - lost in these thoughts I saw Sanjana walk in, I was mad at her, but she didn't have her phone in her hand anymore – at last. 

She sat down next to me and asked in a very weird tone, "Do you want to know more about Adi?", "More about who?" I asked. "Adi! Aditya! My Aditya," shouted she. "Oh, yeah sure" I answered very casually, I couldn't be less interested honestly, I had bigger problems – but at this point I got my second shock. Aditya was 6 years older to Sanjana! She was not even 18 yet and he was 23. On the top of that she had only met him once and known him for merely two weeks and dreaming about her entire life with him, she has probably even thought of the name of their kids! I was beyond devasted. This was ridiculous! "Are you kidding me!? How can you fall in love in two weeks !" I shouted. She was very calm, she smirked and stated, "You won't understand this". My anger and frustration had surpassed all levels. I was in no mood for this Lovey Dovey talk. I just warned her to be careful. She ignored me and asked me, "Would you like to meet him?". "Someday, maybe" I replied. "You don't even know him, don't just judge him " she said. "Ah okay, I just want you to be careful" I replied. 

Her phone rang, she immediately picked up and walked away. I didn't even care anymore.It was almost 7:30, I was sleepy after such a tiring day, I went straight to bed.

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