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POV: Author

It's been a week since y/n is not attending a school but in meantime ..Jenet is visiting on daily basis with some food , candies, icecream or whatever her mom makes .they are getting close in this time ,y/n is opening up more about everything . Jenet loves her company, actually both are enjoying time together time being y/n is healing faster and today she getting ready for school ..she is bored staying all day and night in house,in her room she wanted to go for fresh air wearing purple coloured baggy tshirt with semi blue jeans and pair of sneakers and black bucket hat with it ..... perfect ... after having breakfast she into her car and drove off to school ..

After getting ready and having breakfast with his family Taehyung also get his car keys and ready to head towards school ...but hearing his father's voice he stop
Mr.Kim: Taehyung would you mind coming early from school ?
Taehyung: what happened dad ? ...
He was curious and understand that this might be related to mission
Mr.Kim: nothing just work related stuff ..but don't forget to come early's important and u have to attend it .
Nodding his head he leaves the house . suddenly his mind went on the thing which is bothering him for straight week y/n ....." will be she there at college" it's only thaught he is having.but always getting disappointed...he can't even ask Jenet otherwise all are ready to tease him .so he is just hoping ..."she will come to college" ...with this thaught he reached at University .

He reached at garden where Jimin and Jk were chillin .
Jk: hey bro was the weekend?
He take a seat near him nodded at him
Taehyung: just like always, training and mission nothing much ..what do you two do ?
Jimin : offcourse we were at club ..
He wink towards him .. Jk laugh outloud ..
Taehyung take a look at here and there ...and his caught the site for whom he was waiting for week ... there she is walking alone towards Uni being in her own world .. don't know of what is she thinking .. taehyung smile internally and were genuinely happy after seeing her .
Jk: is that y/n ?? ..i think it's her from her hat ..
Jimin nodded and i ignored him because i don't want them to know that i already noticed her .
Jk: i will go call her here ...
Yess .. that's what I wanted..i smile a little he get up from his seat and headed towards her.


I was going to enter in building but i heard someone calling my name I turned and notice Jk ...i slightly smiled at him ..
Jk: Hey are you? ..i mean how's your ankle ?
Y/N : it's good ..i can walk now .. Thank you ..
Jk: that's ok ....why don't you join us before class ... there they are Jimin hyung and Tae hyung ?
I can't say no to him as he is sweetest and helped me a lot i nodded and follow him .i saw Jimin and Taehyung are talking with eachother ..we reach near them .
Jimin: hey y/n .... come take a seat ..
He pointed towards seat left to taehyung .i sat near him .
Jimin: how's your ankle?
Y/N : it's good now ...
I smiled at the end .he nodded returns smile .jk and Jimin started to talk with eachother and me and Taehyung were i pull out my mobile and started to scroll into Instagram .. after some time i heard Jenet is calling my name...she ran towards us and sat beside Jimin ...
Jenet: hey y/n . ... hey everyone ..
Y/N: hey Jen ...
I smile towards her .now she ,Jimin and Jk were cracking some nonsense jokes which doesn't seem funny at all but ....i laughed cause i don't want to make her disappoint.Hahaha...hahahaa....i play along ....

POV: Taehyung

They are all dumb ...they think she is laughing at their jokes ..but i can sense the sarcasm...she is just playing along ..but I'm so done with their nonsense ...i scoff and get up
Taehyung: guys I'm leaving for class... Jimin wanna join or not?
I asked ...
Jimin: yeah coming ...see you guys later ..y/n .. what's your 2nd class ? ..
Y/N: it's business and management ..i will be there .
We all 5 have business and management subject in common ..but me jiminiee and Jk have that for major ...but y/n have psychology major ... and about Jenet ..i don't know .. but being senior about 4 years with y/n ..I'm graduating this year...

We left the place for our next class ..but I'm kinda jealous of Jk because he get to spend extra time with y/n ....we entered as class was already started...i was literally dozing all time because i didn't get time to sleep last night because of that mission ... some how 1st class end ...i got out of class to leave to washroom i don't want to look Messy..i wash up my face and return to class...i notice y/n is here and sitting with Jimin .... Aaahhhh... jiminiee....i entered into class and take my seat where Jk is sitting with me now ...

Professor Mr.Hwang who is in sports department entered with some papers in his hands ...
Mr .Hwang: So students ... there is an important announcement to make ... this year's Games and Atheletis will be start on January ending ..and being sport incharge I'm here for asking if anyone here any game?? ...
Students: yes sir
All screamed and cheers because sports is all are fond of ...
Mr.Hwang: so i will take the name of game ..if u are interested in them please raise your hand ok? ... first basketball...i know Jeon Jungkook,Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung are already in our schools main team they will continue with it there any problem ?
Me ,jk, Jimin:No sir ..
We answered in sync ...
Mr.Hwang: ok football, hockey, cricket, baseball, taekwondo,....
All the students who wanted to participate got there name written ...but i was secretly watching her ..who seems unbothered by any of the games i guess...she was reading something ..i don't understand she has such long hairs then why she always tie them up in bun and hide them with her bucket hat .. i eventually remove my eyes from her and listings to Mr.Hwang ....
Mr Hwang: so the last one is volleyball . Is anyone here is interested? .....
I take a look around class and only one hand was raised ...but seeing the person who have her hand up im shoked and i can see everyone in class have same expression like me...
Mr.Hwang:ok miss... what's your name?
Y/N: Park Y/N ...
Mr.Hwang : okay ...
She sat down as Mr spoke
Mr.Hwang: so all the participants please come after lunch break to collect all the required documents.
With that he left the class...I'm speechless..but that's not a surprising tho ...she has that cool aura around her..


Jimin:do you like to play volleyball?
I can feel..he is surprised his eyes are wide open...
Y/N: yupp...i was in national team in India ..
I cleared his doubt.
Jimin: you are so cool .. you never fail to surprise me.
He laughed at end...i also laugh with him... nowadays I'm seeing myself smile often ..and most of the times because of Jimin and his expressions..
Y/N: i am also surprised .. because you being in basketball team with that height of yours...
His jaw slightly dropped...
Jimin: woah girl... take it easy ...I'm good player ..we have never been loss single match..ok .. don't underestimate this short guy..
Y:N: really?? ..ok i will see forward to see you winning every single match ..if that happens then ...... there will be special gift from me to you cutie ..
He blush with his contagious laugh ..
Taehyung: cutie huhh jiminiee pabooo ...and about special gift? .
taehyung come in seen out of nowhere taking us out guard.... Jimin's laugh fade ..he scratch his nape a little ..he is awkward ...
Y/N: that's non of your concern Mr.Kim .. you can return to your seats...
Taehyung: ms.y/n ... why don't you treat me?? Huhh ..i helped you when you were injured .. remember?
Y/N: ..but didn't ask for that..
Taehyung: i know but ... but I'm a kind person..u should think about it tho ........
I think hard ..he is true tho ..his intentions doesn't seem bad ..
Y/N:ok let's meet at weakened..i will treat you whatever you ask that enough??
He smiles .. showing off his all teeth ...ohhh he have such beautiful boxy smile ...
Taehyung: it's more than enough ...i will text you can I have your number?
I thought about it's ok y/n ..he is no harm ..u can exchange your numbers.. with that i nodded at him and pull out my mobile giving it to him ...he take and save his number as "Taehyung 💜"..he showed it to me...
Y/N: yahhh u don't have to put that heart emoji.
Taehyung: it will be helpful to remember..
With that he called himself so that he can save my number too.and he returned my mobile... after that Jimin and Jk also exchange their numbers with me .i don't know why but I'm little happy about spending some time with taehyung...he is mystery to me ..i can read Jimin and Jk ..but he has such cold and dark expression on his face Mr.Kim..lets see what's have gotten into you.

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