The Day i Dont Want To Remember

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Anna: hey my mom said I could come are you home?

Me: yeah I'm home just give me 45 minutes to shower.

Anna: okay see u soon!

Taking showers always calmed me down when I got home I rushed upstairs to get undressed and showered as long as I wanted. Well not as long as I usually would like but I needed to calm down from what today brings me too.

Flash back to when I was younger.

"Daddy, daddy what are we doing today?"

"Oh pumpkin we are going to the play ground and we are going to get some ice cream! How does that sound!?"

"Yay but what about my brother?"

"Oh don't tell him it's our little secret"


Coming back to reality I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Leah! Get out of the shower you have been hogging up the whole bathroom for more then 30 minutes now!!"

"Sorry I don't talk to people who are idiots"

"Leah if you don't get out of the shower I will drag you out"

I had no choice but to get out quickly and get changed. Wow my brother is an asshole. Getting out and drying as fast as I could I put some clothes on wrapped my towel around my head and headed for the door. Unlocking it and getting out I hear a sigh of relief from my brother and head towards my room.

My brother Ethan is the most annoying person I have ever been with. He's older then me by 3 years meaning he is 21. He has brown hair, with blue eyes just like my dad. He has a nice figured body and rock hard abs constantly. The kid goes to the gym like every day. With him he has been away at college studying to become a bio med student. Which is pretty cool if you think about it. When he was my age he was the top of his class and he got about 2 millions dollars in scholarship money alone. He proceeded to go to one of the Ivy Leagues and got accepted with flying colors. My brother being who he is I kinda wish he would drop the act of a asshat here and there and actually cared about someone in his life without the condescending attitude. When dad died he took it hard more then me. He had to own this house like he was dad to make sure our family didn't break. Even though I commend him on that I do believe he needs to lighten up a little.

Glancing at my phone I text Anna back to say she can come over now. I go to my mirror get my hair brush and start to brush my hair. Getting all the knots out of the way. I take my makeup remover and remove my access makeup as I don't want makeup so when I cry it doesn't cry with me. I then get up from my seat that's in front of my mirror and head downstairs to wait for Anna.

Thinking about my dad while I wait I might as well tell you what happened. My dad spent his life in the military he served his country and his men to the best of his ability. Some days he would send letters to me and my brother and send some candies if that was possible. But most of all we got to do some video chatting on the computer. I spent many nights thinking about my dad and what could have happened. There was a war going on between country's over seas he had to be brought there to do his job and fired his gun multiple times. His friends said that the enemies threw a grenade at there bunker and my dad jumped to save everyone else lives that day. I will never forget his smile and the way he cared for his friends and his family.  My mom found out by telegram that he died she mourned his lose for many many days. She didn't sleep, eat more did she bother me and my brother for anything. One day my brother told my mom to get up from bed to move on from life and be the mom we needed. Her wake up call was me crying at her door telling her to comfort me and be who she needed to be. It's been 5 years sense this happened.

To this day I miss him dearly and as tradition for myself I have always gone to his grave on the anniversary he died. Which was today.

My thoughts come to a close when my friend Anna knocks on the door. I walk to my front door and open it saying hello and we both walk into my house sit on the couch and talk for a second before heading out.

Wow I honestly didn't know how hard writing could really be. Please feel free to correct my grammar as I'm trying to get better at it. I hope you like the story so far ☺️. Also sorry for the short chapter next chapter will be longer.


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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