Technos point of view*

I'm going to kill him. Wilbur is going to be alright, and Dad talked to the school. But there's nothing he can do. He has rules he has to follow. A broken justice system. I, kn the other hand, can kill dream and if I play ot smart, I can get away with it. And I plan to.

But there's a slight problem. I'm shaky. Always. I practice with dad out back and it's gotten to the point where I'm out of breath just getting back there. The Doctor says it's stage 4, and I may not know a lot about cancer but the voices sure seem to. Honestly, I'm scared to read into it. It won't change the outcome, right?

But I practice anyway. Because I plan to take dream with me when I die. I won't lose.

Times passes slowly it seems. I just do as I do and try to get through. I can tell my family is worried, so I try not to be. It takes a while but I'm able to push all my emotions aside on command. I accept that I will die.

Then the unexpected happens.

We're all sitting at the table playing competitive solitaire when a knock comes from the door. I jump up to get it, 'accidentally' knocking over the table. I was losing anyway.

Outside in the darkness is a white blob.

"Drista?" I ask. We both seem surprised that I actually remembered her name.

"My brother wants you dead" she says rather simply. I laugh.

"Tell him to get in line. Anything else? Or are we waiting for him to pull back the arrowfrom across the street?" I ask. She shakes her head thing.

"No. He wants to kill you. Before something else does." She says with a knowing look.

"Excuse me love, who exactly are you?" Dad comes from behind and stands between the blob girl and me.

"Im a friend from school. Is technoblade sick, mr minecraft?" She's asks.

"It's a little late for you to be running around. I dont want your parents to miss you." Dad replies coldly.

"No need mr minecraft. I can tell when im not wanted. But you may want this." She drops an envelope on the porch and walks away into the darkness.

Dad takes no time in closing tye door and locking it. We then sit at the table with my brothers abd he reads the note outloud.


Im well aware that you're such a loser, your body is even trying to fight back. I have a cure. Ill give it to you for a fight to the death. Just you, me, and some unbiased judges. Let's settle this. Meet me at the school at midnight.


He reads outloud then puts it down.

"This little shit! Ill kill him! Dont believe it, mate. Hes goading you on, the cheaky bastard" Dad seems incapable of containing himself.

"I won't" I lie.

"Like I believe that. You lot are sleeping in my room with me tonight." He insists. I shrug. We play another few rounds before getting ready for bed. Dad drinks honey every night before bed. And we had a potion lesson yesterday.

I take the honey and mix in some dandelion, glistening melon, and a bit of glowstone. Then I hand it off to my dad right before bed. I almost feel bad a few minutes later when he's snoring louder than a warden, his wings stretched out like a blanket over us kids. I nimbly climb over Wilbur and out from under dad's wing, and silently go downstairs. I drain every strength potion, health potion, speed potion, and whatever else I can find of use. I pull out my dad's heavy netherite armor and sword, then walk into the cold damp night, alone.

As expected, I find him and his luckiest in front of the school. I might be able to take them. We'll see.

"Thought you wouldn't show." Dream says offhandly.

"Thought you'd chicjen out." I counter. Dream simply laughs and extended his hand.

"Goodluck." He smiles and I reach to shake his hand.

What happens next is beyond explanation. The world shatters abd glitches, I'm stretched and disassembled just to be put back together again. I open my mouth to scream but there's no air to carry the sound. Then I land on my feet, in an arena in broad sunlight. What...?

And that's not all. Am I.... and adult?

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