The Lone Ava

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"Are you sure that'll be a good idea?" The white-haired figure asked her two friends in a worried tone as they watch Anne hurriedly, yet quietly, rush out of the store with a music box.

"No need to worry so much, Ava," Marcy reassured. But this didn't help Ava stop worrying.

Anne walked toward them with the item in her hand. "I've got the box," She said, looking down at the box.

Sasha and Marcy stepped closer to take a look at the box. They both stared in awe. The golden rims on the box reflected on the sun, shining brightly. However, what stood out were the three gems on it. Pink, green, and blue. Such a weird selection of decorations but they didn't mind it much.

The brown-haired girl glanced back at the lady inside the store, who's been sleeping the entire time, then to the girls. "Come on, let's take this to the park," Anne suggested to the three.

The group went to a park. It was empty. No kids playing around nor any adults. It's just them. Of course, it's dark already. The atmosphere of the place felt kind of eerie. but they still decided to continue walking.

Ava followed behind them. She couldn't take her eyes off of the box. She felt like something bad would happen. It's hard for her to shake off the feeling. 'Come on, Ava. It's just a normal music box. It'll probably just play some nice music like what all music boxes normally do,' Ava reassured herself.

They settled on a bench under a tree. Anne sat down on the bench while the others stood beside her. She placed it down on her lap as she and the three girls all looked down at the box.

"Come on, let's see what it does," Sasha said as she leaned a little bit forward.

Anne, without hesitations, began turning the handle of a music box.

It plays a soothing melody. Like a lullaby, you would play for a child.

Ava felt calm just from listening to the melody. I guess it wasn't that bad after all.

Anne then opens the music box out of curiosity.

A bright light emitted from the inside, radiating different colors as it did.

Everyone got their eyes widened in shock. Bewildered. But before they could do or say anything else, the light grew larger until everything around them gets swallowed from the light.


Ava slowly opened her eyes. She stared up at the glowing mushrooms hovering over her. She tried to recall what happened. Where is she? What happened? Why am "Guys?!" Ava blurted out as she raises herself from the ground. "Ow-" She winced, making her place her hand on her head. A sharp headache got her. But it vanished shortly after. She turned her head to look around the area. "I'm in a forest?" Ava murmured in utter confusion. 'Weren't we just at a park?' She thought. They were, but how? 'Speaking of "we", where are they?' She continued. "Guys?" She called out.

But no answer.

Her voice echoed through the forest, causing birds to fly out of the nearby trees. Or are they birds?

Ava began to feel a little worried. "Anne? Marcy? Sasha?" She called out again.

But again, no answer.

'Where are they? There's no way they abandoned me here, right? Maybe they're out here somewhere with me?' Thoughts began to race inside Ava's mind. She started to feel queasy from the anxiety. She stepped a foot forward, then another, and another, in an attempt to walk. But her anxiety's making her prevent from moving further.

"Anne?! Sasha?! Marcy?! Where are you guys?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

And despite how loud she yelled, there was still no response.

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