Beast market

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Ava decided to go hunting for the first time in her life. Eating too much chocolate every day has started to become tiring. She picks off tiny pieces of the glowing mushrooms and drops the pieces on the ground one by one as her trail.

While dropping a piece to the ground, a ferocious roar echoed within the mushroom forest, causing the trees to shake and creating a strong gust of wind directly in Ava's direction.

Ava covers her face as dust, leaves, sticks, and even tiny bugs fly right directly at her. The wind was too strong for her to keep herself on the ground.

The pieces of glowing mushrooms flew off of her hands especially the ones that she dropped on the ground.

She looked down to her empty hands and sighed in disappointment, "In retrospect, I should've used rocks instead of mushrooms..." She clenched her fist and furrowed her eyebrows. "Dammit, how could I be this stupid?!" She yelled, annoyed at herself, causing for her to pick up a rock and throw it towards a tree. But the rock missed the tree and ended up flying behind it.

"Ow-" A voice said.

Ava was startled by the voice. She backed away from the area till she fell over a tree stump, hurting the back of her leg. She grimaced, holding the pain in.

Suddenly, the bushes began to move until robed figures with bows and swords peered out from the bushes.

Ava's eyes widened in shock and fear. She couldn't move. Frozen still like a deer in headlights. Is this it for her? She could feel her heart beating faster and faster every time the robed figures come closer to her. She attempts to move her body but to no avail. Unbeknownst to her, a trio of robed figures jumped out from the bushes behind her and threw a net over her head, trapping her.

"H-Hey!" She shrieked, trying to get herself off of the net but it was surprisingly strong enough for her to not move. Millions of thoughts rushed over in her head as she stared up fearfully at the figures.

The robed figures stood in front of her, staring down at her, emotionless and silent. Their hoods hovering over their heads, making them indistinguishable. It was even harder in a place blanketed with large trees and a limited light source.

Ava noticed one of the figures release a pink, powdered substance at her, causing for her to feel sleepy. 'No! I can't close my eyes right now! No! No!' She shouted at herself in her head but it was too late. Her vision soon became dark and the only thing she could hear and feel are the robed figures muffled, inaudible chatter and being dragged away.


"Welcome ladies and gentlephibians to Beasts of the Unknown!" A disembodied voice shouted.


The loud sound of cheers and claps suddenly erupted, startling Ava.

'Where am I?!' She panicked. She couldn't see anything other than pitch black darkness. Well, except for the long yet tiny string of light below her.

"Has anyone heard the news about a strange tall creature roaming around the mushroom forest?" The disembodied voice said again, causing for the millions of voices to begin chattering with each other. "Well, we have some good news!" Without a warning, the darkness was suddenly filled with blinding lights.

Ava covered her eyes with her hand as her eyes try to adjust. There, she find herself inside a rectangular cage. And in front of millions of people. Wait, they're not people. They all looks like...frogs and axololts? They all gave her a frightened and disgusted look, triggering her stage fright. She scooted back away as her heart began pounding from anxiety.

"No one knows where this creature comes from but from what we all know is that, it also talks!" A humanoid axolotl said as they hit the cage with a stick, causing for her to yelp.

Everyone gasped in unison as they all state back at her.

"That's right everyone. Before this creature was brought here, it shouted 'Hey'!"

The crowd gasped again.

The announcer continued to speak, exaggerating every sentence to make her look very odd.

Finally, several minutes have passed and the amount of gasps and loud clapping is finally over. The cloth that was over Ava's head was thrown over her again as she could feel herself being dragged away.

She sat there quietly, recalling what just happened and having millions of questions spinning around in her brain. Where is she? What happened? And most importantly of all, what the hell are they?! Ava doesn't know what is happening outside of the cage and the only thing she could hear are the squeaking sounds of the wheels under her cage.

"Who goes there?!" A voice shouted as that said voice can be heard getting punched. More footsteps approached closer to Ava's cage but they are also heard getting smacked. Everything went silent. Suddenly, the cloth on the cage was swiped away by a cloked figure with a green axoltol tail with a small chip on the fin poking out of their robe. It gazed up at Ava before pulling her cage the other way.

"What...what is going on?" She attempts to ask the figure but they didn't answer. She just sat there, staring at the figure while they drag her to a cabin. The cabin was like stuck in a cliff. She blinked in confusion. Wait, could they be trying to save her? She glanced at the figure, who was knocking on the door of the cabin.

Suddenly, two pairs of eyes peeked through the slides of the doors.

"Good evenin', Gil!" The robed figure spoke in a jolly tone. "Missed me? I've got something for the market," They continued as they pat one of the bars of the cage.

The eyes gazed up at Ava, making her feel nervous, and thrn just let out a low growl before taking the locks off of the door and opening it.

"Thank you, buddy!" The robed figure said, saluting as they dragged the cage inside.

Ava sat silently, cautiously looking around the cabin.

The figure swiped some large dangling purple vines in front of them and entered a huge passage way. It was larger inside. It's like a huge cave with glowing mushrooms and vines hanging on the walls and on the small houses and shops. It looked like an underground village in a fantasy world. Something that she and Marcy had made in that blocky video game that everyone seemed to enjoy.

"Woah.." Ava gazed in awe, her eyes widening.

There were a lot of figures, or humanoid amphibians, wandering around the cavern. Some wearing robes and some were not. Shops consisted of gems, jewelry, food, and some odd looking yet terrifying abominations. Suddenly, the cage stopped near a shop.

"Sorry but, can you please tell me where I am right now," Ava asked, gripping onto the bars of the cage.

The figure was turned away from Ava, as if they were arranging the placements of the items that were on the shelves. The figure suddenly takes their hood off, revealing their black and green antennas and their short silky black hair. "You're in a shop," They finally spoke, nonchalantly, as they glanced at her.

"" She said, slightly tilting her head.

"And I'm the shop keeper!" They said in a joyful tone, spinning and facing the girl as they threw the robe on the side. Underneath their coat, was a dusty looking suit and a pair of shorts. "The name's Mosiac," The figure named Mosiac said, pointing a thumb on their chest.

Amphibia - The Fourth Friend [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now