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maybe life wasn't made for me at all.


it was that guilt feeling in his gut that threw mingyu off as he stared at his best friend that he made cry and sit in the pouring rain that grew heavy from his window in his home where he had also spoken those words.
"mingyu, i.." his crush spoke out— her hand pulling away from the man that had shouted disgusting words that made wonwoo feel heart-broken with his life.

"sorry younghee, what were you saying?" mingyu tried to put out a happy smile— only to be slapped by the girl called lee younghee.
"you.. why would you say that to your own best friend?!" she shouted, anger boiling in the window of her perfect eyes as she rushed down the stairs— not caring that mingyu would still follow the pretty girl down the stairs and out the door.

the girl put on her shoes and grabbed the umbrella that was discarded by wonwoo. he left it there a few weeks ago and she just magically knew which umbrella among the three was wonwoo's.
mingyu tried to speak but only watched as she opened the door and opened the umbrella, letting it cover her body from the aggressive rain-fall that littered this small part of seoul.

she walked out, not caring that mingyu had came out of his own home and comfort and followed her— wanting to explain to her so much that he didn't really mean the words that left his mouth.
or were they really nothing?

"wonwoo!" she shouted and immediately rushed to his figure who allowed water to seep into his wounds. the boy looked up and only felt small when he saw mingyu behind her.

he tried to stand, but only fell as if his legs melted due to seeing mingyu's eyes trailing on his wet body that was drenched in water. the pretty flower with its petals all gone stayed on the bench as water seeped into the wooden bench.
younghee immediately went to his aid, checking his hands as her grip on the umbrella loosened— not too loose as she still wanted to make sure wonwoo and herself were shielded by the rain. as for mingyu; he was left in the rain for being a total dic- ahem, sorry.

"wonwoo.. why would you.." she spoke out, worried that the glasses male would not be able to write because of the sharp thorns that hurt him and also once he had bandaged his hand to recover from the bleeding.
"come on," the girl with ash long hair spoke, pulling him up with her as she dragged wonwoo to a nearby convenience store she spotted on her way there to get bandages for his hands.

they had completely ignored mingyu like he was just a stranger to their lives.

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