Chapter 14

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..."I-I'm sorry, Mitsuya..." Kazutora apologized "Kazutora, you should have told me or us sooner. You...shouldn't hurt yourself..." Mitsuya said as he looked at Kazutora, worried at what he has been through all the time. "Mhmm, I will don't worry it's just...I'm on edge right now..." Kazutora said "but stil-" before Mitsuya finished his words Kazutora cuts him "No I want to do this on my own..." Kazutora exclaimed, Mitsuya sighed as he put Kazutora's hand down "fine then..." Mitsuya said as Kazutora nervously smiles and quickly left the park. Mitsuya just stood there in the middle of the park lost in thought as he was trying to think of a way to help Kazutora. 'I wonder if I should tell Chifuyu and the others about this. Kazutora can't keep doing this to himself. If only he knew he wasn't alone in this. Tch. Kazutora. Please. Please just let us help you. We're friends. Aren't we? Though. I hope I'm not the only one who sees you more as a friend. If only I could tell you that both Baji and Chifuyu love you...' As it started to rain, Mitsuya and his sisters started to walk away as they walks the streets of Shibuya, Mitsuya trying to figure out a way to help Kazutora.
Meanwhile, Kazutora was at home cursing himself for treating Mitsuya coldly knowing mitsuya just wanted to help. "Dammit. I shouldn't have yelled at him. He was just trying to help. I need to do this on my own but. It's too much. I can't do this. I need help. Mitsuya. Please. Save me." Kazutora started crying as he leaned against the wall and slid down it as he pulled his knees in as he hugged his knees as he sat and cried. ' me. I don't want to feel like this anymore! What should I do?! I don't want them to see me like this! I don't want to hurt them! I don't want them to get too close to me! But, it's so lonely. I feel so lost...' Kazutora was contemplating as he started to doze off at the sound of rain hitting the window he fell asleep leaning against the wall as a few tears rolled down his cheeks as he had one last thought. 'I'm sorry, everyone...I'm not sure if I deserve any help from you...I'm sorry. Please...forgive me. I never wanted any of you to see this side of me. I'm sorry...' Kazutora thought to himself as the rain hits the window, all is quiet in Kazutora's house. Suddenly, he heard and knocking sound, Kazutora slowly gets up and opens the door "C-Chifuyu?! W-Why are you here?!" He said as he looked at Chifuyu, holding his umbrella "yeah, the rain is so heavy today, so I can't go back home. Mind if I stay at your house till the rains are gone?" Chifuyu asked, "o-oh, sure...come in" Kazutora answered as Chifuyu goes inside and put the umbrella on the floor. Kazutora quietly closes the door as he looked at Chifuyu, sitting on the couch watching TV. Then he suddenly remembers something he needs to clean the kitchen since all of the plates are dirty "ah Chifuyu, I just need to clean the plates since I think the rain will stop until tomorrow" Kazutora said as Chifuyu nodded in response...

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