First day

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Welcome to my fanfic hope you enjoy and tell your friends to read ;)
~ 1588words
You wake up from your alarm going off. Reaching over to your nightstand you slam your fist on the alarm clock causing it to fall to the floor. "Shit I'm still alive." You aren't a morning person nor a people person and the fact that it is ur first day at Hawkins high school made you dread today already.
Sitting up in bed you open your eyes to see the disaster of your room. Boxes on you floor from moving, some closed and in stacks, some were open and the clothes were pulled out onto the floor. "I'll clean it later." You said very tired.
You get out of bed in only a oversized shirt and boxers. You walk to the kitchen looking for something to eat. On the counter there is a letter from your mother. "I had to leave early for work and I don't know when I will be home dinner is in the freezer- love mom" You throw the letter in the trash. It was only you and your mom, your dad left when you where still young.
You open the fridge but couldn't find anything but beer. "I can't drink before for school.... that's a after school thing." Closing the fridge you walk to the bathroom and start the shower.
In your room your looking on the floor and in boxes for something to where. Grabbing distressed jeans and a Metallica band shirt and called it good. Your hair was down but a little bit of a mess. Before walking out the door you put your dirty white converse on. Grabbing you car keys you walked out the door and lock it.
Walking to you 1967 Chevy Impala your father left you for a unknown reason. You get in and start driving to your new school. As you pull into the parking lot people look at you weird because for one they can hear your music from outside your car and second you are listening to rock and metal and third of all you have a nice ass car. You park your car in a spot closer to the school.
Getting out you go and sit on ur front hood. Well patting yourself down looking for your cigarettes a boy in a jacket with the high school's logo on it walks up to you. "You're in my spot." The boy say with an annoyed tone. "I didn't see your name on it." You respond not even looking at him. Finding a cigarette you light it and take a hit. "There's no smoking on school grounds you know." The boy said matter of factly. "Bite me." You say calmly as you flick ash in his direction. "Hey my shoes!" You just walk away towards the school.
You threw your cigarette butt in the trash before walking into the school.
Putting you headphones on you start listening to the band W.A.S.P.
In the office you find what your locker number is and your schedule. Traveling the halls you see the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, girls that are only popular because they are pretty, the stoners, and the hellfire club? Finding your locker you put your bag in only keeping a pencil with you.
Walking to you first class which is science. Being one of the first in the class you head to the back corner putting your head down.
    After awhile you felt a tap on you shoulder. You look up and take your head phones off.
    Looking at this boy that just poked to you up and down you noticed the hellfire club shirts. He also wore a leather jack with a denim vest over the top with band pins that you knew of. He has long black hair and dark eyes god they're pretty. He also smelt like weed and cheap Cologne but it mixed well.
     "Your in my spot sweetheart." He said smiling at you. "Do we have assigned seats?" You asked genuinely curious. You were hoping to be able to sit in  the back away from everybody. "No it's just... no body comes back here because I'm back here." He replied sitting next to you. " why is that?"
"No one wants to sit by the freak." He replies fiddling with his rings. "What makes yo-" you got cut off be the bell, your teacher telling the class to quite down, and the announcements.
    "Class if you didn't know we got a new student!" The teacher said so cheekily. "You have got to be shitting me." You whisper under your breath. The boy just gives you a smile. "Ok so why don't you stand up and introduce yourself and say a fact about you or something like that." They say looking right at you.
     You roll your eyes and stand up slowly. "I'm y/n  y/l/n and a fun fact is I don't want to be here." You smile and sit back down.
    "I'm Eddie by the way. I guess I never introduced myself." Eddie says smiling at you. God that smile. "Well Eddie what makes you a freak." Finally being able to finish what you where going to say. He looks down and says. "Well first this is my second year being a senior second off I play dnd and third most people just can't handle my personality." You look at him like what the fuck. "Really they call you a freak over stupid things like that?" He laughs. "Yes, yes they do."
    "Eddie and y/n stop talking you are interrupting the class." Your teacher says sternly. "Right sorry." You say saluting to your teacher. "Well you kinda interrupted us first." Eddie's mumbles make you laugh a little bit. "What was the Munson?" Your teacher questioned. "Oh nothing." He replied.
    After class Eddie asked if you wanted to sit with him at lunch and meet some of his friends. You said yes and walked in separate ways.
    Walking in to the lunch room you walk right passed the lunch line. You scan the room trying to look for Eddie. Walking further into the room it looks like Eddie found you. "Hey y/n over here!" He yells over to you standing on his chair. You smile and walk over.
    "Eddie who is that." A boy with a hat that said thinking cap asked. " Dustin this is y/n, y/n this is Dustin, Mike, Gareth, and Jeff" they all wave to you, you wave back.
    You follow Eddie to the end of the table and sit next to him. "Did you get anything to eat?" Eddie asked. "Uh no I didn't... the line looked long and I not very hungry anyway." The truth is you don't like eating in front of people you aren't comfortable with. "Well did you eat at all to day?" He asked raising an eyebrow looking you in the eye. "Uhm ya I did." You say starting to bounce you leg. "What?" He questions. "I had uhm..." Eddie let's out a sigh and tosses you a bag of pretzels and gives you a half drank bottle of water. You smile to yourself no one has done this before.
    Eddie started talking to the rest of the group, distracting them, about random things the conversation was everywhere. You started to eat the pretzel and drink the water you don't care that Eddie drank half of it already.
    "So what type of stuff is y/n into?" Asked Gareth. "Oh me? Um I like to listen rock and metal music, I play the drums-" Gareth cut in. "Really I do to. You will have to show me your skills and maybe I can teach you a few things." He smiles and leans back. "In your dreams I have been playing since I was nine." You say winking at him. "Anyway I also like to smoke some of the devils lettuce sometimes." You mumble out. Eddie looks at you and smiles. "We will have to do that some time." You nod your head in agreement.
    School ended pretty quickly after that. Walking out to your car you lit another cigarette. Taking it in after a day of meeting new people. You lean on your car and close your eyes taking an inhale on your cigarette.
    "Y/l/n!" You jump opening your eyes. "You should know there is no smoking on the school grounds." This lady was the one to give you your schedule Ms. Kelley you think her name was. There wasn't much left on the cig so you took one more inhale the threw it on the stepping on it. "Sorry." You say well exhaling the smoke.
    She walks away ranting to her self how kids shouldn't be smoking and blah blah blah.
     You turn around to see a noisy van coming toward you. You notice Eddie driving end wave to him. He stops and rolled down his window. "Do you need a ride home?" You shake your head no and point to your car." I have a ride." His jaw drops. "That's your car?" You just smile and nod. "How in the hell did you a afford that thing?" He asked basically drooling over you car. "My dad gave it to me actually. Maybe so he didn't feel to bad about leaving me and my mom."
    "Anyway I better finish unpacking." You say to Eddie. "Ya sure see you tomorrow." Giving you a little wave. You step back from the van and wave as he drives off. "God he is a terrible driver."

••• authors note •••
Thank you for reading the first chapter of  The New Kid
I very much appreciate it and I will try to  posting frequently. I will kinda follow the season 4 storyline but not fully I promise Eddie will not die.

The new kid. Eddie Munson x y/n Where stories live. Discover now