part 5

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Kaitlyns pov

After Nick texted me On Instagram I wonder how he found my account, I was scared because maybe he heard dad yelling at me and was coming to cheak up on me but it wasn't.

Bold- Nick

Normal- Kaitlyn


Heyyy nick how'd you get my insta?

Oh Um It Came Up On Suggested!

Right yeah lol so whats up?

You And Your Dad And Step Mom Are Coming Round For Dinner Tomorrow!!!

Wait really how?

I Asked Your Dad


Oh I Went To Your House A Bit Ago And Asked

Shit did he say anything bad?

No Why Would He!

Oh nothing he can just be yk rude

Well No He Was Normal I Guess?!

Good lol anyways um I have to go dads telling me to shower. byee cya tomorrow xx

Bye Kaitlyn Cya xx

Phew that scary. Crap now I have to get a outfit ready for tomorrow ugh I hate this, I was surprised dad didn't come up and tell me it was well weird. After I showered with my amazing apple scented shampoo and conditioner along with my peach body scrub. I decided to not skip my skincare like I've been doing the past two weeks. I was just to stressed and couldn't find the time, but its okay because I'm doing it now a fresh start. I lay in bed with a clay mask on and decided to stalk Matthew instagram he had a couple thousands of followers. He must have had this for ages and does sfs A lot he looks really happy in his photos especially when he's with his brothers It hit around 9:00 PM and I decided to wash the face mask off and do the rest of my skin care which was just moisturiser. I attempted to braid my hair it wasn't very good but I was only sleeping in it. Dad hadn't enrolled me in any schools yet I was 15 and the triplets we're 17 kind of a big age gap but we're just friends Nothing more After doing my hair I decided to try go to sleep and surprisingly I fell asleep straight away.

In the morning

I woke up around 6:00 AM and decided to go on a walk I wanted to explore the area and I found a little shop I decided to go in to see what was in there and it was filled with sugary calorie foods I decide to buy some gum, since Dona Had changed our AUS bills into USA I didn't know it was converted but I just bought the cheapest pack and left to walk back home I memorised it pretty well I was happy and I shocked myself a little. It took me about 3 hours to show myself around since I couldn't drive yet pretty sad but it will be soon. When I got home I was tired from walking but decided to workout because we use to have gym equipment in the garage now we live in a literal mansion we have basically have a gym room, I spent about 2ish hours working my limits I was so sweaty so I showered then I took a nap I was going over early to hangout with Nick but I wanted to nap so I put an alarm on for 1pm. When I woke up I got ready I wore jeans and a nice t shirt decided to do my makeup and nicks so I brought a bag and texted Nick I was on my way over he said the door was unlocked so I could walk right in. When I got there and walked in Chris was in the kitchen, pretty sure he didn't see me so I just walked straight into Nicks room.


"hey nick!!!!!"

"You Look So Fricken Good"

"thank you nickkk what are you gonna wear?!"

"um this."

"oh shit sorr-"

" I Kidding These Are My Pjs!"

He started laughing I punch his arm and sit at his mirror to my makeup. While we wait for dinner we just talk about boys and watch Stranger Things, and all the sudden it was 5:47, Nick and me clean up and I touch up my makeup, when we walked out Matt was helping MaryLou cook he looked so happy it was cute and I was happy to see him happy. Soon after Dona and Dad made there way here they introduced themselves to each-other.

"Hi im Marylou"

"Hi Marylou Im JoJo this is Dona my soon to be Wife!"

They shook hands and I gagged when my dad acted like a good person it annoyed you as-well because you knew it was just an act. Once I say Nick sat next to me Chris sat one chair over and Matt sat next to me, it was pretty quite on our side so I decided to say something.



// heyyy guys im so sorry its taken 2 days to get this out school is hard and tiring so I don't have much time but I will try write two parts of this tomorrow so were caught up this is short so im sorry for that but next part will be good and long! Hope you liked it xx

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