Chapter 9- cold

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Sienna Marino

I opened my eyes to the orange sun and fresh warm air flowing in from the window. I glanced down to see his fluffy brown hair and calm sleeping face. I tried to slip out of his grip but he just held on tighter to my waist. sighing I relaxed again and just stared at him while he slept. He finally looked calm.

I ran my fingers through his dark brown hair enjoying the softness that came with it. i stopped when he groaned.

"Ash?" I asked softly.

"Mmmhmmm?" He hummed a response.

"I think I should go.." I didn't want to invade on his privacy and maybe I already crossed a line...

"Why?" he asked holding me closer.

"I don't want to invade..."

"Your not." he reassured me.

"Ok." I whispered softly.

We stayed in bed for a couple minutes until the door whipped open.

"hey ash-" standing at the door was both Matteo and Nic. I felt heat rise on my cheeks until they were burning. Trying to hide my face I dove behind Ash who was now sitting up on the bed.

"Danm did you two fuck?" Matteo grinned walking towards us.

"HEY EVERYONE SIENNA AND ASH ARE IN BED TOGETHER." Nic screamed down the hallway following his own voice as he dashed away with ash hot on his heels.

"Oh Nic I'm actually going to kill you now." Ash yelled after him.

The room fell awkwardly silent and I did not want to be here when the others showed up so with that in mind I sprinted out of the room as well and into the safety of my room. I could hear Matteo laughing as he walked down the hallway. Dumbass.

"SIIIEENNNAAAAA!" I heard a screech from behind me.

I spun on my heels so fast I could have sworn I left tire tracks on the floor. Ari and Scarlett stood in the middle of my room, both red in the face and out of breath. I could only assume they ran here.

"Did you fuck? What are the details? Is he good in bed?" They bombarded me with questions. I was about to tell them the truth but then I considered how Ash would feel.. he told me he's supposed to have no emotions and be cold, maybe he wants to keep the image. So with out thinking I blurted.

"Yeah we fucked? So what?" I said as casually as I could.

I watched as both Ari and Scarlett's jaw drop. I smiled nervously when I locked eyes with a smirking Ash passing the door behind them. Oh that sly bastard.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." Scarlett gushed "I knew it, the way he looks at you. Ugh he has never looked at someone like that befor."

Really? Those words weirdly made butterfly's appear in my stomach and I liked the sound of him only looking at me that way.

"I think your being dramatic." I chuckled walking over to my closet to pick out some clothes for the day, we were all going out to the club later for Toni's birthday.. TONIS BIRTHDAY

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