Komori v Kamakiri

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Tetsutetsu:All rise for her honorable judge Kendo.

Kendo then walks in to the "courtroom" and sits in the bench.

Kendo:All of you may sit and during this trial you may only refer to me as "your honor."

Kamakiri:Hey you honor can I ask a question?

Kendo:Yes you may.

Kamakiri:Where did you get a judge costume and gavel?

Kendo:I got it from Yaoyorozu. Now silence in the court you may only speak when spoken to so we can keep this professional.

Kamakiri:*whispers*Professional my green ass this is fucking stupid.

Kendo:What was that?

Kamakiri:Nothing your honor.

Kendo:Now before we begin this trial we are going to go over the roles of the court. I'm the judge of course, Tetsutetsu  is the bailiff, Komori is the plaintiff, Kuroiro is the attorney, Kamakiri is the defendant and everyone else is the audience/jury/witnesses if needed. Everyone understand?

Everyone:yes your honor.

Kamakiri:Why is Kuroiro Komori's attorney?

Kendo:Why not?

Kamakiri:Because he gonna be completely biased!

Kuroiro:How am I going to be biased Kamakiri?

Kamakiri:Because you have a cr-you know what I'm not even going to say anything because I'm that good of a friend.

Kendo hits her gavel a couple of times.

Kendo:Order in the court! Now in the case of Komori v Kamakiri, Mr. Kamakiri is being accused of stealing Ms. Komori's lunch out of her bento. How do you plead?

Kamakiri:Not guilty I'm being falsely accused based on some bullshit.

Kendo:Alright the plaintiff's case shall be heard now please proceed.

Kuroiro:Your honor earlier today Komori went into the refrigerator to eat her lunch but when she opened her bento there was nothing in there. She looked around to see Kamakiri eating what looked to be her lunch in the common room. Now why would Kamakiri be eating something so similar to Komori's lunch and have Komori's lunch be missing at time? I know exactly why because he ate it.

Kendo:Alright Mr. Kamakiri I will now give you the opportunity to make your rebuttal.

Kamakiri:Ok your honor what Kuroiro said over there was complete horse shit.
I made her lunch, her lunch was the mapo tofu leftovers from last night. So that was also my lunch and she happened to see me eating my share of the leftovers.

Kendo:Now does anyone want to present there evidence.

Komori:I do your honor.

Komori takes out her phone.

Komori:This first picture is of my empty bento this is relevant because there is nothing in it besides sauce meaning whoever took it scoop it out ,shroom, and if you look at this next picture you see Kamakiri eating out of a plate, so why would he eat in a plate and not his own bento? If not for the fact that he wanted to eat mine, shroom.

Juzo:Your honor I have a question.

Kendo:Yes Honenuki ask away.

Juzo:How do we know that he didn't just put his leftovers on the plate instead of his bento?

Kamakiri:Yeah some sensible talking from this man over here. My bento broke thats why I ate my leftovers on the plate.

Komori:HOLD IT! If that's so then why did I see your bento in the sink when looking for evidence, shroom?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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