i. 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧

76 2 18

- General Information -

Full Name:
adrien simon williams

❥︎ Nicknames:
ad, mr williams, buddy
love, baby, darling, bro (nicknames from s.o)

❥︎ Gender:

❥︎ Age:
depends but he is usually at least 20 years old

❥︎ Birthday:
september 19th

❥︎ Birthplace:
Liverpool, London

❥︎ Current Residence:
Central, London

❥︎ Sexuality:

❥︎ Preferred Gender:

❥︎ Pronouns:

- Relationships -

❥︎ Father:
gabriel williams
( has a distant/bad relationship with his father )

❥︎ Mother:
emilie williams
( had a close/good relationship with his mother )

❥︎ Siblings:
he has no siblings sadly

❥︎ Other Relatives:
his aunt amelie and his cousin felix
his relationship to his aunt is close/good
his relationship to his cousin is distant

❥︎ Love Interest:
anyone willingly to have an oc shipped with him :D

❥︎ Friends:
he'd be friends with anyone!

❥︎ Enemies:
those who hurt his friends to be honest

- Personality -

❥︎ Good traits:
he's kind, loving, bubbly
caring, affectionate, clingy sometimes,
and can be sassy if he wants to be and he's very honest as well as pretty understanding

❥︎ Likes:
he loves reading books that interst, swimming, fencing

he also loves to stargaze and play the piano
he loves making new friends and always likes to listen to other's problems so he can help them solve or fix them or feel better
he does love to cook too but sadly he always ends up burning something

❥︎ Hobbies:
reading, listening to music, playing football
star-gazing, swimming, playing the piano

❥︎ Bad traits:
he's very stubborn, he never tells anyone what's bothering him
he always feels afraid to tell someeone no to be honest,
he's afraid to let someone go, he's afraid of letting them in because he's afraid of losing their trust and them leaving
he's insecure of his self value

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