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Today was another uneventful day where you were just lazing about in your house repeating the usual motions. There would have been nothing to write about if it wasn't for this swelling you felt in your head.

"Salutations my child. It is I, your Lord and Savior, here to bestow upon you my infini-"

"Don't wanna."

"A-apologies, maybe my all powerful hearing is failing me. Do you mind repea-"

"You heard it right. I don't wanna."

"But you didn't even hear my offer."

"I read the stories. You're God, and you want me to preach your word to anyone who wants to hear it."

"Well yes. You are correct. And even despite all I can do you still won't heed my call?"

"Damn right. Really sounds like too much work. Just smite me or something and get done with it."

"I cannot afford to do that. You are the only person in the next millennium who will be able to hear my voice and become a prophet in my name."

"Tough luck."

"Do not worry. I have other ways to get what I want."

And thus begins a battle of persuasion between the one who created all and yourself. Your future, your tranquility and many other things will be at play.

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