Wrong Way

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Hiya! This is another thing. Sorry about making a bunch of different stories without making more than one post at a time but I'm putting down a bunch of ideas so I can write on it when I have motivation and can put out each one with fairly good quality work behind it. I don't know how commonly I'll upload things, but I'll try to post things when I've written them. Enjoy!


Following Mei:

Mei Hatsume walked through the gates of UA and smiled brightly when she saw the mechanisms used by the gate. As she was walking she saw a green haired boy trip, she quickly reached out to grab him using a modified sleeve she had made to grab him.

She could hear that the kid was talking but she just let him go and made some mental notes about how easy her gear worked. When she got into the building she sat down and was introduced to the written exam.

It took her a bit, especially the history and writing sections since she didn't really care for either. In her mind it didn't matter what happened in the past unless it helped her build something and if she could understand what she wrote that was good enough.

When the written exam was done she followed the largest group of people to the next area. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to have the freedom to build whatever they wanted. As the exam was being explained she wasn't fully paying attention, but she got the general idea. The more robots you could take apart in the limited time, the more points you got.

It kinda made sense, her babies would always blow up if they failed, she had made sure of that to avoid any dangerous ones accidentally hurting her if they malfunctioned. But other people didn't do this so she should learn how to take apart other peoples broken robots while they ran amok.

She stood in a crowd of people who seemed very nervous, she didn't understand why. They were just taking apart robots and they didn't even need to be able to put back together later, although she thought there would probably be extra points for making it easier for them to be put back together for another test.

While she was waiting there she made her way to the front. As she got to the front the gates opened, sure they hadn't said go but if this were in a lab the longer the robot was active the more equipment would have to be replaced, and it was always a pain to wait for new supplies.

It was so annoying that she had started working with stuff on that trash dump of a beach when her tools and materials were running to low for her to make anything.

She ran in as soon as she could, hearing cries of protest from behind her but she just ran from robot to robot using her tools she had brought with her to take the test she thought would happen where she would have to build things.

As the test went on she frowned, sure she had taken a lot of robots apart but it seemed no one else was doing it with care or grace. Didn't they care about the craftsmanship that had clearly been required to build these?

She kept taking the robots apart till the ground started to shake. No one else could see what was happening but she used her quirk to zoom in the direction the rumbling was coming from and she saw a giant robot rolling towards them.

She saw people running away from the robot, she however thought about how many supplies must have gone into it. She also realised other people would probably just destroy it completely without a second thought if they were to try and dismantle it.

As she didn't want the mech's parts to got to waste she ran over to it, using her controllable sleeves to swing there as fast as she could. When she got over there there was another examinee stuck under some rubble, she used her sleeves to break it up as much as possible adding a small explosion on accident as her sleeves blew up.

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