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Tuesday, April 2nd / 7:00 am:

The alarm rang, birds chirping since 5 am, the sun is out with a lovely weather, just the perfect one to start the day.

No drama from school today huh? *scrolls trough messages* thank God Daphne's never been in one of those... or even if she was it's ok i mean it's her that we are talking about, who wouldn't talk about Daphne?.
Moving on, *sighs* I just need to stop making everything about Daphne.

Morning routine done,
-Mom!! Im leaving, Today I'll eat from the cafeteria do not worry!.

I look at the clock... 7:50, how did time even past by so fast?? Mr. Daniela's going to kill me if I don't arrive on time.
With my headphones on and the bike, I just need the will to get to school...

8:20 am:
Already late, class started about 15 minutes ago and it looks like i'll just make myself head in.
Not even going to say good morning or the teacher won't let me go to the baño later.

Will: morning Luke, got the homework for today bro?

- do I look like there's at least the date or topic on my Spanish notebook for the homework of today?

Will: okay, was that necessary?

- no.

Will: good girl.

-bro shut up.

*bell rings*

Spanish class, nothing much to say, just my childish friend Will who won't stop messing with me every time he gets the chance. I do know some things in Spanish though, but we are never going to be talking about that.

8:50 am:

Just the person whom I wanted to see this morning, Daphne, there she is, silky brownish hair, the smile bro the smile. But not everything is pink and roses, she's hanging around with her ex Adrian again... don't ask me why they are hanging out, maybe they get along? But with everything that happened I do not think so. I do wish I could ask her though but it's complicated.

It's just normal, but not healthy. Rumors spread all last year, him cheating on her with Darla ( her current friend ) yeah, I wanna know too. A lot of things went on the last few years in this high school, I don't know her side of the story though... that's why I just stay neutral.

Adrian on the other hand is so damn handsome I'm not even kidding bro, I mean, his family is rich, blue eyed with black hair and a body to dream about, but besides that? He's a spoiled guy, just the cocky attitude of him because he gets all the girls (not a joke though) and who on top of everything cheated on DAPHNE???
nah, he's surreal.
We don't like him, and when I say "we" it's Will, Jonathan, Marcus and me who i'm talking about.
Not naming them "my group", we are friends since the first year I entered this school. Cool people, but why they don't like him?? I guess we'll never know.

brown eyes
height 5'7
Current situation: Has the biggest crush on Darla, yeah, Daphne's friend, but Will on the other hand is the lucky one because Darla seems to have some interest in Will... she agreed to 3 dates with him, lovely right? Yeah.

Green eyes
Height 6'0
Current situation: He's not even in the same year as us, he's in his last year of high school, pretty good looking, he does not need to worry about getting noticed by anyone...

Black haired
Light brown eyes
Height 5'6
On the other hand, is having problems with his current girlfriend, not breaking up that I know of but just relationship things that I. do. Not. Know. About.

We really got lost in introducing ourselves huh?
Aaaaand we totally forgot about Daphne and Adriel,
Who in fact, totally disappeared like the earth swallowed them... not that it bothers me hahaha... haha...  ha...

Where have they gone to?

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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