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After the food, y/n and I get in a car and drive to the vacation house, we go straight in heading straight for the bedroom.
Tw⚠️: face fucking, choking
In the bedroom:

Y/n and I got into bed under the covers laying next to each other, I look over at her, and she's squirming at her thoughts. "Squirm much?" I ask to tease her. She rolled her eyes, so I get up and dangle over her grabbing her neck and choking her having a firm grip on her neck, "what was that y/n?"

Silence. That's all you heard was silence, it was so quiet that you could hear the crickets chirp outside. I look down at a horny and squirming y/n, and I grip harder, "Who are you rolling your eyes at?" "No one" "Exactly what I thought" I say and let go of her face. Not even three seconds later, I ram into her, causing her to scream.

*skip a few weeks later*

"Yes y/n?"

"I'm pregnant" she says normally but excited.

"Good because we're keeping it, and I'll take a maternity leave with you. Don't even think about getting rid of that baby" I say that last part sternly.

Y/n's pov

I'm pregnant, Roman finally got me pregnant, so now I have to think of baby names immediately. I sat down at the desk, writing down Samoan names that sound interesting to me;
Fetu? No
Iosefa? No
Keola? No
Laki? No
Makeko? No
Malosi? No
Semis? No
Siaosi? No
Vasa? Yes

Vasa meaning; ocean, sea. I picked Vasa because he's going to take over Roman's Samoan side and because the ocean is a beautiful place. If the baby is a girl, I'll choose the name Luni meaning June. Now, what if it's twins? I want to hurt Roman, but we would already know what would happen if I did that.

Later that night, they're at a family dinner at a Samoan restaurant; he pisses y/n off

We sit at the table and pick up a menu, almost all of us are here. Me, Roman, The Usos and their wives, Rikishi, Solo Sikoa, The Rock, Tamina, Nia Jax; we're all at this table. He's not the head of the table tonight his father is, Roman looked at me to see if I was ok because he pissed me off earlier. His dad turns to me, "na faapefea la ona e feiloai ma Roman?" (So how did you meet Roman) since I don't know Samoan, Roman "sa matou feiloai ao ou i ai i le tafaoga i le taimi o laʻu galuega nxt ma sa matou faatasi talu mai lena taimi." (He basically said y'all met when he was taking time off in nxt and on vacation, and been together ever since).

He starts asking more questions, and Rome is answering for me in Samoan; I wonder what he's saying.

Roman's pov

I open 'Bloodline' group chat that
y/n isn't in:

They so damn smart, I think to myself as I get up and drag y/n to the bathroom. I lock the door and turn to her, "what is your problem, y/n?" No answer. I grab under her chin with a firm grip and I walk back to the wall, choking her against it. "HUH!! What is your problem, y/n?!" I can tell she's wet, so I get closer to tease her, my body blocking her, so she can't move my head by her hers and my mouth to her ear, "I said what's your problem?" She has a shiver go down her spine as she looked at me, "you never listen to me, Roman. All you do is want to fuck me and don't get me wrong I love the kinky sex, but Rome, please actually sit down and understand me."

I move back a little and I look down at her, "ok" I say as I lean down to kiss her soft spot. She looks up at me again;
"ok, I will understand you more, and I will stop with the kinky sex"

"Rome, that's too far"


"Rome, you don't take that from me"

I chuckle at her. One thing you do not do is mess with y/n's kinky sex. After we get the situation settled down, we go back to the table and sit.
*skip to after the dinner, and they're all back in their rooms*

"You need to talk y/n?"

"No, but thanks for asking Rome"

We go to the bathroom and strip to get in the shower, I undressed quickly, so I could watch her undress slowly because I know she's still sore from me. We both get in as she turns on the water, my eyes immediately trail down. That's my weakness.

Water running down her naked body. I move as close to her as I grow hard which causes her legs to twitch, as she moves forward to grab her loofah I move closer, so she can still feel me hard.

"C'mon y/n at least suck it"

"No Rome, wash yourself"

"Now y/n"

"I said no" she said firmly.

I grabbed her by the back of her neck "I'm not asking you again, I'm daddy and what you are going to do is get on your knees and suck my fucking dick now" I say sternly and force her to her knees. I grab her hair firmly and tilt her head back as I ram my dick in her mouth, I look down at her while she gags "I control how fast you go; if you don't keep up or if you change the speed without me doing it you'll be having more than one baby. You understand me?"

She nods, so I start ramming my dick down her throat while I watch her gag, I start panting as I make her go faster and faster. I moan at the pace she's going at, and fuck it feels good. "Fuckkkkk y/n your mouth feels so good around daddy" I moan as I bite my lip hard to hold in the nut.

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