Chapter 10- fight

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Ashton Hernandez

The guys and I were sitting at the bar, I ordered whiskey like usual. The girls went to dance so I was looking through the crowd for them.

Sienna was giving me attitude and avoiding me. It pisses me the fuck off. All I want is to be kind to her and treat her right, I want to sleep with her In my bed and feel calm with no more nightmares just like last night. But deep down I keep pushing her away. Deep down I don't deserve her.

Once I spotted her red sequence dress reflecting the lights of my club I watched her, she looked so good today and I wanted nothing more then to rip that dress right off her body and have her all to myself all night, but instead were her and she's there for all men to undress her with their filthy eyes. I watched her sway her beautiful hips to the music and her perfect hair move like water. I turned to take another sip of my whiskey, when I turned around again she wasn't alone. She was dancing and grinding against a man. The sight made my blood boil and rage flow threw me, no man should be allowed to touch her other than me and that's final. I glared at them as she pushed her ass further into his dick and him with his hands on her hips.

I couldn't take this anymore, this was not how it was supposed to go and I'm going to blow this fuckers head off for touching what's mine.

"Ash where are you goin- oh hell no." I heard him follow behind me towards I assume Ari who was also dancing with a man. Anyone can clearly see he's into her.

I ruffly pushed my way through the sea of people towards Sienna. When I reached her I grabbed the man by the collar and pulled him away from her.

"What the fuck?" he struggled against me until his eyes widened. "B-Boss?"

I scoffed, he's apart of my mafia. I'll deal with him later. "Leave." I gritted. He nodded vigorously and ran through the crowd like a dog with its tail between its legs.

Once he was out of sight I turned back towards Sienna who was looking at me confused. I ignored her expression and grabbed her by her hips earning a gasp.

"Why were you dancing with another man?" I asked her.

"why do you care?" she huffed continuing dancing with me like she was with him.

"The fuck do you mean by that?" she thought I didn't care?

"No, what do you mean? I spent a night with you which by the way I enjoyed and have been nice to you, but you can't even give me the time of day! I even told the girls we fucked to hide the truth because. I. Care!" She spat at me pushing her self away so she was facing me.

I grabbed her wrist pulling her out of the crowd so we didn't make a scene. I pulled her into a hallway near the bathrooms where no one was.

"Let go of me Ash." She squirmed in my grip. I pushed her against the wall hard, trapping her between my arms on either side of her head. I leaned down so we were face to face and said..

" I do care."

"Well you certainly have a weird way of showing it."

"Yeah and?"

"And I don't like it. Why can't you show me any emotion other then coldness and anger? You always seem unimpressed and annoyed with me." She huffed.

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