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If you were to tell Minho there was something better to do than scroll on TikTok all day, cozed up in bed in the comfort of his fluffy blankets and squid plushie, he would laugh in your damn face and tell you you're wrong.

That's just who he was. An incredulous, saccharine human being who sought pleasure in witnessing your downfall. Kudos if he were the one causing such catastrophe. (This is why both his best friends had left him to spend winter break alone. Kidding.)

But, it is winter break, and sadly; Minho didn't have any plans. His friends love him, but they made it very much clear that they would rather spend their time away instead. Minho assumed that they didn't love him anymore, but that was just him being a sensitive nuisance.

It was really just that Felix had gone home to Australia to reconnect with his long-distance boyfriend and Hyunjin had also gone back to his hometown to spend time with family. And his boy, Kkami. When Minho had first found out about said 'Kkami', though, he had assumed that Hyunjin was dating a guy with a funky name. But to his surprise, it was his dog. Not surprising at all that the taller had confirmed he was indeed gay, though.

Because gay could sense gay, and Minho just happened to luckily possess such an accurate gaydar. Props to his already intelligent mind, too. So since that had been the case, it was already a given that Minho's (also gay) 'for-you-page' would be filled with such relatable and actually entertaining content. He had been working so hard over the past few months to get rid of any eye-splitting heterosexuality that may have popped up onto his feed. Some couples just overdo it. Not Jeongin and his girlfriend, though. He loves them very much. (Minho would have probably banged the guy if he wasn't unfortunately as straight as a damn metal ruler.)

Speaking of banging, Minho suddenly feels the need to bang his head against the wall when he swipes up to dismiss another video, and a couple shows up on the next. No, it isn't what you're thinking. No gross face eating or pussy popping or dick swinging. Just– a nice male couple cuddling together and singing the lyrics to a love song. Minho swipes up on it with a cat-like frown because he's envious. Obviously, he is. Oh, how he craves for someone to fill the cold left side of his horrendously small dorm bed. He's deprived of everything at this point.

He remembers the last time he tried to bring a hook-up home. He was tipsy at his local bar. He had made out with a hot stranger on the dance floor (thank God for these dancer hips) and had stumbled out of the building with a hand in his own, waiting for their Uber to pull up as they felt each other up through drunken giggles. It was all going perfectly well until something had flashed in Minho's mind and a switch was flipped in him.

He pushed the guy away just as quickly as he realized he still lived with a roommate and he wasn't going to take the chance in going home with a random dude, no matter how put-together they seemed. It always went his way, but lately, things haven't been going his way in terms of his sex life. When he had got into the Uber by himself, leaving a sexually frustrated man to storm back into the club; Minho had realized he was probably going to stay so pathetically horny for a while.

So that's why these damn couple TikToks soothed him; at least, up until a while ago. He's fed up. He constantly asks the universe when it will be his turn but he feels that all he gets in return is a silent, mocking laughter right back in his face. It seemed like everything wished loneliness upon his being.

He lets out a huff and it quickly transitions into a sigh, zoning out with his eyes boring holes onto the screen of his phone. Then, another video that pops up quickly catches his attention. It's a faceless individual on a gaming chair, only the bottom half of his body showing as his fingers move constantly from where they're glued onto the keyboard.

Minho tries to ignore the fact that his eyes immediately zero in on how skilled and calculated those quite gorgeous hands moved. He finds himself biting his lip consciously as his mind travels elsewhere and then he quickly snaps out of it. He rolls his eyes and lets a groan fly past his lips as he throws his phone across his bed. Damn it. Curse him and his horny brain. He needs to find something better to do than just sit in bed all day and simp for some gamer dude's hands!

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