20 | 'what utter nonsense'

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It was about one o'clock at midnight. 1:36AM, to be exact.

They were in Momo's dorm room sitting on her bed with books sprawled around almost everywhere. How Momo ended up having a little study session with her dual haired friend at such a late hour, she didn't know. But she couldn't bring herself to concentrate on studying, because Shoto just had to keep occasionally throwing flirtatious comments at her which made her question why she let him join her.

"Shoto, I'm not gonna be able to focus on studying if you keep spouting nonsense." Momo shot the dual haired man a look, adjusting her reading glasses to her nosebridge as she silently hoped that he wouldn't be able to notice the rosy tint of pink spread on her cheeks.

Unfortunately, the fact that the lights were off didn't do her any justice, as he could clearly see her blushing and he raised a corner of his lips in an ever so annoying smirk. Annoying since it was undeniably attractive and rendered her unable to think properly.

"Me thinking that you're cute is nonsense to you?"

That remark made her brain spiral out of control. She hated when Shoto flirted with her because she couldn't tell if he was being genuine or not. So she chose to believe he wasn't because there was no way he could actually be serious, right? After all, he had probably flirted with other nameless girls in the past with that stupid good looking face of his, so who was she to think that she were to be special?

She buried her head in her textbook to hide the blush growing even more on her face. Her attempt to start reading again was useless as all the words in the page had blurred into one with various thoughts racing in her mind. Shoto was to blame for that.

"Just go back to studying. We have a math test tomorrow, in case you've forgotten." The raven haired girl stated matter-of-factly, as that was the reason why they were there in the first place.

Momo could see him leaning back on the headboard of the bed in a relaxed manner to look at her from the corner of her eye. "Why do we need to study anyway? I thought we were both smart enough to know everything already, 'specially you, Sweetheart. You know, since you're the intelligent student council president and all." Whether him calling her intelligent was a compliment or not, she didn't care.

"Because, unlike you," She narrowed her eyes at him in an accusatory look, "I actually want to graduate university without such a stubborn personality." That spurred the dual haired man to the ghost of a laughter. He dramatically put a hand on his heart and joked, "Ouch, there's no need to be so harsh."

She merely rolled her eyes, being unable to contain the smile that made its way to her lips, and continued to read.

The fact that Shoto was always so humorous without even trying never failed to brighten her day. He was really a better friend than she originally expected him to be. Tell Momo from the past, the Momo who used to hate Shoto before, that she would turn out to be such good friends with him and she wouldn't be able to believe such a thing.

Oh right. Friends.

The mere word hit her harder than she had expected. Of course, they were just friends. They've been like that for a long time already. She didn't need anything more than that. What was she even thinking in the first place? Does that mean she wanted...

"Momo, I need help with this question." His voice snapped her from her trance.

"What happened to 'being smart enough to know everything already'? What utter nonsense." Trying her best to stop her cheeks from heating up remembering what she was about to think a moment ago, she ripped her eyes away from her textbook and leaned over his shoulder from behind to see what question he was referring to. "Oh, this questio--"

"I'll show you the real meaning of nonsense." Before the raven haired girl could even begin to gather her thoughts, he momentarily interrupted her from doing so by latching onto her all of a sudden, causing her to fall over, using the weight of both his hands placed on the bed with her head just between them to support himself from falling with her. He had successfully pinned her down on the bed.

Of course. Of fucking course. She somehow let her guard down and let Shoto manage to trick her again. There was no way that the ever so confident Shoto Todoroki would bother asking her for help on a math problem.

"Shoto...!" She managed to speak before her wide grin reached her eyes and she closed them to burst out into fits of giggles, the dual haired man on top of her doing the same. She didn't know what to say or think, only laughing uncontrollably with him, her brain not managing to process what just happened.

It was only when the laughter died down and she opened her eyes that Momo was finally able to realize their position.

It was like time had stopped altogether. She swore she could see his pupils shrinking with her own as well as an obvious blush which he could definitely see spread like wildfire on her face for the 100th time today.

They stayed like that for a hot moment, Shoto's hands trapping her in place with his heterochromatic eyes locked on hers, both of them with parted lips and widened eyes as they stared at each other in the uncomfortable silence that took over the lighthearted atmosphere, their textbooks tossed aside being long forgotten at this point.

Shoto almost felt his face heating up before he expertly hid the blush that would threaten to spread on his features, but the tips of his ears hidden behind his hair were still undoubtably red.

He wanted to say something to soothe the uneasy feeling in the air, but he didn't. He wanted to move, but he didn't. He wanted to look at anything else other than her, but he didn't. He wanted to indulge himself in the warmth of her soft peachy lips-

But he didn't. 

Momo on the other hand, had supposed a mere math problem was much more simple in contrast to the situation at the moment. Her heart leaped into her throat and she was unable to function properly or get any words out of her system. Just what was he thinking in the first place, suddenly pinning her down like that? How was that even supposed to be funny?! Well, she did laugh for a slight moment, she'd give him that.

"Shoto, what are you-...?" She tried to bring back to her original question that was interrupted by her laughter before, but failed to finish it yet again. Her voice was ever so delicate, barely above a whisper, and she was hoping that his own surprise would distract him from thinking that she... she... Wait, what was this feeling exactly?

No, she didn't need to ask herself that question. She definitely knew what it was. That fuzzy feeling in her chest when she was around him, her heartrate going up drastically when he complimented her, the blush that she always failed to hide when he flirted, her addiction to being around him, it was all too clear now. This feeling was...

The dual haired man quickly got off her putting an end to the moment, allowing her to sit back up again, and they faced opposite ways in hopes of not meeting each other's eyes with their backs pressed against each other. "Sorry.", Shoto murmured, and she could tell that his usual easygoing and flirtatious demeanor wore off completely judging by his low and gentle voice.

"It's... okay..." Momo reassured with her voice even softer than his, and she brought a hand to her chest to feel her heart hammering loudly inside her ribcage.

Shit. So this is what love feels like.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ (𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣!)

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