Part 10

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Y/N: Oh my god HanSol? What are you doing here

She was in total shock and happy to see this guy which made me a little confuse

Han: Mr. Min she's the one I'm talking about, anyways I'll take my leave now

He bowed and went out, fuck why did I hired him?

Y/N: Sir, this document you wanted I'll take my leave too

Before I can utter a word she rushed outside and started talking with him, I sneaked a peak outside with curiousness I don't know why but I was curious about what they were talking

I saw they both giggling and laughing I saw y/n hugging him I looked away and tried to divert my attention towards my work, I cleared my throat and started doing my work

Soon I heard a little knock and I told the person to come in, it was Hansol, I sighed and looked at him to continue

Han: Thanks a lot for hiring me once again i'll start from tomorrow

I nodded and he left, I regret hiring him a little bit, oh god yoongi why do you care about him and y/n so much, I heard another knock and now I was pissed and I shouted


I saw y/n entering and my angry expression shifted a little bit cause she looked a little scared

Me: What do you want?

Y/N: I'm sorry sir,I just wanted to know if there is any work for me

She said and looked down

I started walking towards I don't know why I was so raging but I needed a distraction, I harshly kissed her while biting and devouring his mouth, I grabbed her harshly and pulled her towards me, she tried to push me but soon gave in and kissed back

I let her go while we both gasped for air

Y/N: What happed suddenly? You said we're strangers at the work

Me: Fuck that, I want you!

I said and picked her up and put her on my desk, I graced my hands on her thighs while my hands were on her neck pulling her towards me

I heard some shifting near my cabin as I halted myself, We both looked towards the entrance and it was no one just a book in my cabin fell down, we both sighed and looked towards each other and she spoke

Y/N: I don't think it's a really good idea to continue

I nodded and let her go, I can see her biting her lips nervously looking for the next word to speak as I spoke

Me: I am coming today, I mean at your house

Y/N: Oh yeah, okay I'll wait for you

She said and smiled while I smiled back, she left the cabin as I sat on my chair and start working

Time skip~

I went at my house ready to tell all the guys that I'm moving out tonight. I have packed everything yesterday so I just need to leave, It's temporary so I hope it doesn't bother them

I called all of them and here they were sitting in front of me waiting for me to speak

Me: So.. actually I'm going to leave for a month

Jimin: why? where are you going?

Me: At my friend's house

Jin: Who?

I started thinking of a name

Me: Hansol!

Fuck why did I said his name

Joon: Why are you suddenly going to live with this new guy who just joined your department? and you're friends already?

Shit I didn't knew joon was here, why didn't I think this through

Me: It's work related ok, I don't need to give you guys every explanation, I am moving out and it's just for a month so no big deal guys it'll end soon okay, now I'm gonna leave she- I m-mean he, he must be waiting

Time skip~

I was driving at her house and feeling guilty, I shouldn't have yelled at guys


I was in the kitchen preparing for dinner, I'm making dinner for two as yoongi is moving in today, I don't know how this is going to work out for us but I guess there is no turning back now

I heard a knock, It must be him, I opened the door and frowned as I saw Katherine standing in front of me

Me: what are you doing here:?

Kat: Are you busy?

Me: Yes

Kat: Busy doing what? you're alone

Me: Kat please I'm a little busy can I talk later

Kat: ok geez, I was just here to give you this present, as you're alone it'll really help you pass the time

I accepted it fast and bid her goodbye, oh god I was almost caught there

After few seconds I heard another knock and as I opened the door I saw impatient yoongi rushing inside my house

I closed the door and turned around to meet with his lips, he pecked me as I got shock

He beamed and said

Yoongi: Hii~

Me: H-Hii

Time skip~

After shifting all the yoongi stuff and having dinner we're now going to freshen up

I don't know but this is awkward like I've never lived with stranger before and about our relationship, yoongi is tired so we are just going to sleep right? I'm really confused

I went to shower as yoongi came out

Yoongi's POV

I came out of the shower and saw a gift on bed, I frowned. Is it for me? I curiously opened it without even thinking, I widened my eyes widened as I saw the thing inside it......
To be continued...

What do you think the gift is?

Ahh I swear even I don't have any idea what's going to happen next, stay tuned 💜

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